You have a new wiki entry. smile

Excellent. That worked just fine.
Seriously though Front Accounting, needs some better documentation.
That is the worst thing about it IMO.

How big is the team working on it?
And what about opening the wiki to your users to edit. Of course you can overview the article approval process. smile

I've just read every bit of documentation and most every post on the forum and I'm still at a loss.
I just want to use this program in English but be able to enter things in another language (Greek) and have them show up properly instead of HTML encoded.

Seriously this should not take changing a system wide setting.
How do almost all the other multilingual  php apps out there do it?

Ok, great. So its possible to accomplish this.

Uhm, exactly how do I accomplish this.. where do I set the locale?

In the config.php?
In the lang subfolder?
With the system-config-language utility (CentOS5)?

I am so terribly confused about this, it doesn't make sense to me and I've been doing linux / web stuff for years.
Could you point out to me what I need to do?

I've never had to muck with an webapp to enable multilingual input before. It either worked, or didn't. This one is in between and I don't understand what to "fix"

Thank you joe

I'm not interested in translating the program, just entering data in different languages. English and Greek.
I've entered some items in Greek but they don't appear properly. They appear with HTML encoded characters instead of the proper language.
I can't find the documentation that tells me what I want to accomplish.
Please help!