Well, its the last one added and it has the highest account number. So Class 6 is Expense, I have multiple groups. #60 Expenses is of type Expense and then 60XX are subgroups (ie, g&a) of #60. The p/l current year a/c is 69999999 and is part of group 60, Expenses, not one of the subgroups. Note that it is *not* the last one show in the drop down lists, the subgrouped accounts follow it.
When I run the income statement the result is is a line item under 'Expense' and then 'Expenses' for 'p/l current year'. Then follow the other expense subgroupings with their details. The bottom line total expense is 0. There is no line item at the end reporting net income (note this is a start up and has no revenues at this point).
This is clearly (to me) not the way it should look. THere should be no line item for "p/l current year" within the expense category, it should be the last line of the report, in this case a loss.
Hope that info helps understand better what is going on.