Not sure if this was ever discussed in the past - I didn't see a topic after a quick search.
Also, I don't know the proper protocol for doing posting this.
Here's a quick change to add an Email column to the Customer Transactions - something that should be standard in the release, in my humble opinion.
Edit sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php
Add function email_lnk right after prt_link:
function prt_link($row)
if ($row['type'] == ST_CUSTPAYMENT || $row['type'] == ST_BANKDEPOSIT)
return print_document_link($row['trans_no']."-".$row['type'], _("Print Receipt"), true, ST_CUSTPAYMENT, ICON_PRINT);
elseif ($row['type'] == ST_BANKPAYMENT) // bank payment printout not defined yet.
return '';
return print_document_link($row['trans_no']."-".$row['type'], _("Print"), true, $row['type'], ICON_PRINT);
// New: Function for email column
function email_link($row)
if (get_voided_entry($row['type'], $row["trans_no"]))
return _("Void");
if ($row['type'] == ST_CUSTPAYMENT || $row['type'] == ST_BANKDEPOSIT)
return print_document_link($row['trans_no']."-".$row['type'], _("Email"), true, ST_CUSTPAYMENT, ICON_EMAIL, "printlink", "", 1);
elseif ($row['type'] == ST_BANKPAYMENT) // bank payment printout not defined yet.
return '';
return print_document_link($row['trans_no']."-".$row['type'], _("Email"), true, $row['type'], ICON_EMAIL, "printlink", "", 1);
// End
Add and center row to the table:
$cols = array(
_("Type") => array('fun'=>'systype_name', 'ord'=>''),
_("#") => array('fun'=>'trans_view', 'ord'=>'', 'align'=>'right'),
_("Order") => array('fun'=>'order_view', 'align'=>'right'),
_("Date") => array('name'=>'tran_date', 'type'=>'date', 'ord'=>'desc'),
_("Due Date") => array('type'=>'date', 'fun'=>'due_date'),
_("Customer") => array('ord'=>''),
_("Branch") => array('ord'=>''),
_("Currency") => array('align'=>'center'),
_("Amount") => array('align'=>'right', 'fun'=>'fmt_amount'),
_("Balance") => array('align'=>'right', 'type'=>'amount'),
array('align'=>'center', 'insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'gl_view'),
array('align'=>'center', 'insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'edit_link'),
array('align'=>'center', 'insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'credit_link'),
array('align'=>'center', 'insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'prt_link'),
// Change - add email button and center all the icons
array('align'=>'center', 'insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'email_link')