Once a Direct Sales Invoice is generated, it shows the same reference.
I am seeing the following errors in the log file.
[06-Apr-2022 08:32:43 UTC] ::language.inc:15: include_once(../lang/installed_languages.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[06-Apr-2022 08:32:43 UTC] ::language.inc:15: include_once(): Failed opening '../lang/installed_languages.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/pear')
[06-Apr-2022 08:32:43 UTC] 0:admin:sales_order_entry.php:741: Unhandled exception [0]: Call to a member function is_started() on null.
I also need someone's services to generate customized reports.