kvvaradha wrote:

The issue looks like within softaculous issue . The direct fa version you many not use there. It was modified by the softaculous team and updated for you to use it.

But you can try to download from frontaccounting site and unzip it to there.  And be sure for the config.php and config_db.php . Then the issue will be fixed.

Seeking clarity on what i should do with the config.php and config_db.php files....

apmuthu wrote:

If you are using the Vivaldi or any non-standard browser, check your file associations for htm, html, php and other files.

This is the actual error after opening the file:
***********************************************************************/ $path_to_root="."; if (!file_exists($path_to_root.'/config_db.php')) header("Location: ".$path_to_root."/install/index.php"); $page_security = 'SA_OPEN'; ini_set('xdebug.auto_trace',1); include_once("includes/session.inc"); add_access_extensions(); $app = &$_SESSION["App"]; if (isset($_GET['application'])) $app->selected_application = $_GET['application']; $app->display();

Just installed the software via softaculous and got an admin link.Clicking on it leads to a download notification of an unidentified file.

Any advice?