(7 replies, posted in Installation)

After much effort got it working.

The system will not let me continue as root full stop.

I created a user and granted privileges via mysql, so it should have all worked, but it didn't, it just kept reporting the same error.

So I installed phpMyAdmin, which did not want to install mcrypt, but with a lot of research I was able to get it installed (this is some bug with Ubuntu 18.04 server apparently). Then phpmyadmin hid itself in usr/share, so I had to put a link from /var/www/html to phpmyadmin in usr/share.

phpmyadmin finally worked and to my shock I discovered that the user I had created and given privileges to and was showing as having privileges in mysql, had not been given privileges?? So on the phpmyadmin panel I was able to grant the user priveleges.

And then I was able to log in.

What a journey.

I do not recommend changing the config files as suggested, as it was reporting the correct error, no permission, the problem was mysql not granting the permissions it was supposed to.

I hope this might help any one else with the same headache.


(7 replies, posted in Installation)

I am getting the same problem on my own server. Database has been created in mysql as well as user and password, permisions are all green, but no matter what I put in, the user name, root, localhost, ip address, all fail with the same/similar error message.

mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in file: /hermes/bosnaweb22a/b140/ipw.mhasan/account/includes/db/connect_db_mysqli.inc at line 206

I have been through the forum and have seen the same problem many times. A post suggested altering line 203, but the correction offered does not reflect the actual line 203

Example : this is missing a large chunck of the actual line

$db = mysqli_connect($connection["host"], $connection["dbuser"], $connection["dbpassword"]);

change to

$db = mysqli_connect($connection["host"], $connection["dbuser"], $connection["dbpassword"],NULL,3307);
Where 3307 is your mysql port.

and line 208 posted solutions

Line 208 of the file includes/db/connect_db_mysqli.inc is:

if (!mysqli_select_db($db, $connection["dbname"]))

A possible modification to it would be:

if (!$connection["dbname"] && !mysqli_select_db($db, $connection["dbname"]))

are also different from the actual line 208.

I have tried this from every angle and can't find a solution, it is a recurring problem and theme on this forum, can someone please help. I can't check out the program if I it won't let me install it.