First of all, thanks for the instant reply.

Then, what you mean is, we will have to create separate Account Receivable so that I can track them in General Ledger using that Receivable Account.

The second thing, I want to ask is related to the report you have shared. In the Person/Item column, no item is shown.

The last thing I want to ask, what if I make a custom report the same as my attachment...

Hello everyone,

Before using FrontAccounting, we were using Microsoft Access App for our company, and one by one, we are trying to match the reports that we want from FrontAccounting.

Image of Report |

Right Now I would like to ask about a report, General Ledger with details below (right to left - ? - columns).
1. Date
2. Type (Sales Invoice, Receiving Voucher, Sales Return...)
3. Reference Number
4. Description (Item Name or Amount Receiving Details...)
5. Cheque (Optional)
6. Sales Return ( + Quantity)
7. Sales (- Quantity)
8. Price of Item
9. Debit
10. Credit
11. Balance

I'm the IT Manager in the company that's why I have minor knowledge of Finance and the above detail is taken from software that we are using currently, so if you find any awkward thing in above points, just leave it .