I understand what you're saying however the behaviour to edit long descriptions on termplate invoices was available and working in v2.4.7.   This functionality broke with upgrade to 2.4.17.

Hello Everyone.   Want to revisit this..  There's a bug.

On 2.4.17 although I'm able to enter long descriptions for NEW line items, I'm unable to edit existing line items that already have a long description.   

You can reproduce the behaviour as follows:

- Enable long descriptions;
- Enter invoice with long descriptions;
- Enable posted invoice as template;
- Create new template invoice;
- Attempt to edit entry with long descipriton (you won't be able to -- work around is to create new entry with desired long description, remove prior entry).

Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

I just found it!   

Edit Sale -> Sales Types (assigned to customer), and uncheck Tax Included.

I wasn't able to source this on the WIKI, however is there a recommended approach to configuring multiple state taxes (US) within FA?


(1 replies, posted in Setup)


I'm setting up a new company (US) on the same accounting server that already has configured other companies (Canadian).   The Canadian company exhibits correct tax behaviour - Under Sales -> Direct Invoice item price is _before_ tax.   On the US company Direct Invoice item price is _after_ tax.   I unable to find where to change this.   The US company should also be configured for before tax item pricing.   How can I change this?

Thank you, will review.


I recently upgraded from 2.4.7 -> 2.4.17.   I didn't expect this as part of the upgrade however it appears that I'm no longer able to enter more than 50 characters, despite "Use Long Descriptions on Invoices" being enabled in company setup.   

I'm not sure what the rationale is to this change, but this is a capability that I need - specifically when editing descriptions in template invoices.  How can I revert back to prior behaviour?