
It is not possible to declare a general ledger account as inactive, while a bank account is linked to this GL account. Even if the bank account itself is declared as inactive in "Bank Accounts" (tick box).
In the above described case the following message is shown when trying to set the GL account as inactive: "The account belongs to a bank account and cannot be inactivated."

Is there a work around how to set a general ledger account liked to a bank account as inactive?

Version used: 2.4.16

Thanks and regards

Unfortunately, I am not able to provide this information. I hope anyone else is?

Thank’s a lot in advance!

dear apmuthu,

- I was the writer of the post you linked here as “Related Post”
- I had this issue I described in my post with the versions 2.4.6 and 2.4.7
- I had not tested other versions
- the code in rep301.php in my version 2.4.6 system is the code you highlighted in ocher color in your attached pic
- the code in rep301.php in my version 2.4.7 system is the code you highlighted in yellow color in your attached pic
- However, as mentioned, I had the problem with both versions

Please let my know, if I should provide more information.

Thank you!

rafat, thank you, yes, I have already seen this post. However, it does not help.

According the two attached images it must be exactly the same issue.

I had a look in my database, I remarked that in the table `0_stock_moves` the records of the moved items have value zero in the column “standard cost”. But it does not help, if I manually add a value in the according record.

I hope anybody can help! Thanks a lot in advance!

Problem occurred with FA version 2.4.6 and 2.4.7

I did some “Inventory Location Transfers” transactions, this means I moved inventory items form one location (“origin location”) to another location (“target location”).

Then I applied the Inventory Valuation Report and set the location filter to the “target location”. On the generated Inventory Valuation Report, I found the moved items with the correct “quantity” listed. However, the “unit cost” and “value” column were zero (0.00). That is not correct: the items have values (standard costs) unequal zero.

I generated the report with the parameter “no location filter”, the consequence was that quantity, unit cost and value were correct.

Is that an issue of the “location filter” of the Inventory Valuation Report?

Many thanks!