Exactly! There are no service items in the report. I need service items on the report.
2 11/30/2024 10:44:19 pm
Re: Report on item sales (6 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
That is an empty report.
3 11/03/2024 04:52:47 pm
Topic: Report on item sales (6 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
Is there a way to see when and to whom an item was sold?
4 04/08/2023 08:45:14 pm
Topic: "Sorry! no permission to post a reply" (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
I just wanted to post a reply to the forum post at the address https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=8863 and i cannot as there is the message:
"Sorry! no permission to post a reply"
Why is that so?
5 03/02/2023 05:20:21 pm
Topic: "Reports and Analysis" -> "Print Invoices" -> "From" and "To" empty (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
If i go "Reports and Analysis" -> "Print Invoices" -> "From" and "To" empty in 2.4.15, "From" and "To" are empty and i cannot choose the invoices for resending or printing. If i just click "Display: Print Invoices" then i see a progress bar for a short time and nothing else happening.
6 03/02/2023 05:15:52 pm
Re: 2.4.15: HTTP access is not allowed (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
If you access this site via this address then you see the login form. This is because i followed the advice and set "SECURE_ONLY" to "false". That constant was not apparent in 2.4.10. And now, it does not seem to be used properly.
7 03/02/2023 05:10:43 pm
Topic: 2.4.15: HTTP access is not allowed (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
i just upgraded from 2.4.10 to 2.4.15 and the opening page displays the following message instead of the login form:
"HTTP access is not allowed on this site. This is unsecure. If you really want to access this unsecure site then set the SECURE_ONLY to false in /includes/session.inc file."
i am not accessing the site via HTTP but HTTPS. The address is https://frontaccounting.tennis24.ee/
How can i use the system now?
8 10/08/2021 08:43:15 pm
Re: Mailing doesn't work if the header contains "&" (9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
The version "2.4.10" still has this bug present. I think that nobody else cares. Why don't you test it on your own and if you're convinced that my solution works commit it?
The subject line is also affected. Therefore, it also has to be converted:
if (mail(preg_replace('/(.+)(\s\s\<.+)/','"$1"$2', htmlspecialchars_decode($mail,ENT_NOQUOTES)), htmlspecialchars_decode($this->subject, ENT_NOQUOTES),\
htmlspecialchars_decode($this->body, ENT_NOQUOTES), htmlspecialchars_decode($this->header, ENT_NOQUOTES), $this->add_params))
9 03/12/2021 06:30:04 pm
Re: Mailing doesn't work if the header contains "&" (9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
Are you still waiting? In the version "2.4.9", the bug's still present.
10 03/11/2021 08:46:17 pm
Topic: Supplier invoice items can't be connected to different dimensions (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
I'm currently about to enter a supplier invoice. That invoice contains two items that should belong to separate dimensions. I can only choose the dimension for the invoice but not for the items on the invoice separately.
11 08/01/2020 12:33:32 am
Re: Mailing doesn't work if the header contains "&" (9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
Meanwhile, I discovered that the receiver's name would still contain "&". And as the name contained many parts separated by spaces, the recipient part of the mail was screwed up. Originally, it should be:
Tegusad Õpilased & Tudengid <pandeero@gmail.com>
It was translated to:
Tegusad@test.tennis24.ee, Õpilased@test.tennis24.ee, &@test.tennis24.ee, Tudengid
So I had to remove these two mistakes:
if (mail(preg_replace('/(.+)(\s\s\<.+)/','"$1"$2', htmlspecialchars_decode($mail,ENT_NOQUOTES)), $this->subject,\
htmlspecialchars_decode($this->body, ENT_NOQUOTES), htmlspecialchars_decode($this->header, ENT_NOQUOTES), $this->add_params))
This is only my copy. So I want you to put this change into the repository of the source code. My solution might not cover all the possible test cases but at least it's better than the previous.
You can test regular expressions at https://www.phpliveregex.com/#tab-preg-replace
12 07/05/2020 11:56:09 pm
Topic: Mailing doesn't work if the header contains "&" (9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
I've struggled hours for figuring out the reason why my mails won't appear in target. It turned out that after installing and configuring "Postfix", "FrontAccounting" told me that the mail was sent but nothing really was sent. So I dug into the files and started to debug. After many hours, it turned out that mails containing a header containing "&" weren't sent and other mails were. So I started to look for the file where the company name that contains that stuff is being read out and couldn't find it. I decided to make the following modification replacing lines 149-150 in the file reporting/includes/class.mail.inc:
if (mail($mail, $this->subject, $this->body, $this->header, $this->add_params))
if (mail($mail, $this->subject, htmlspecialchars_decode($this->body, ENT_NOQUOTES), htmlspecialchars_decode($this->header, ENT_NOQUOTES), $this->add_params))
Please notice that I decided to convert both the header and body for that purpose. The company name is "Tegusad Õpilased & Tudengid" and in the database, it's "Tegusad Õpilased & Tudengid". Now, it works. Maybe, it's just a hack but I couldn't find any other way to solve this problem.
And before that, I had to make one more important change: into the file "/etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini":
SMTP = test.tennis24.ee
Before that, the value was localhost. I changed the host name for the sake of Postfix. Why localhost isn't recognized anymore, I don't know.
13 06/12/2019 06:36:46 pm
Re: credit note for services (9 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)
Chart of Accounts
Print Out Date: 06/12/2019 08:18 pm +0200 GMT frontaccounting.tennis24.ee
Fiscal Year: 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018 (Active) peacecop kalmer: Page 1
Account Account Name Account Code Balance
1 Assets
1060 Checking Account
1065 Petty Cash
1200 Accounts Receivables
1201 Grants Receivables
1205 Allowance for doubtful accounts
1510 Inventory
1520 Stocks of Raw Materials
1530 Stocks of Work In Progress
1540 Stocks of Finsihed Goods
1550 Goods Received Clearing account
1800 Tennis court of Harku borough
1805 Accum. Amort. -tennis court of Harku borough
1820 Office Furniture & Equipment
1825 Accum. Amort. -Furn. & Equip.
1840 Vehicle
1845 Accum. Amort. -Vehicle
2 Liabilities
2100 Accounts Payable
2110 Accrued Income Tax - Federal
2120 Accrued Income Tax - State
2130 Accrued Franchise Tax
2140 Accrued Real & Personal Prop Tax
2150 Sales Tax
2160 Accrued Use Tax Payable
2210 Accrued Wages
2220 Accrued Comp Time
2230 Accrued Holiday Pay
2240 Accrued Vacation Pay
2310 Accr. Benefits - 401K
2320 Accr. Benefits - Stock Purchase
2330 Accr. Benefits - Med, Den
2340 Accr. Benefits - Payroll Taxes
2350 Accr. Benefits - Credit Union
2360 Accr. Benefits - Savings Bond
2370 Accr. Benefits - Garnish
2380 Accr. Benefits - Charity Cont.
2400 Deferred Revenue
2620 Bank Loans
2680 Loans from Shareholders
Chart of Accounts
Print Out Date: 06/12/2019 08:18 pm +0200 GMT frontaccounting.tennis24.ee
Fiscal Year: 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018 (Active) peacecop kalmer: Page 2
Account Account Name Account Code Balance
3350 Common Shares
3590 Retained Earnings - prior years
3 Income
9000 Opening Balance Equity
6010 HaVaTeK Revenue from Sales
6020 HaVaTeK Revenue from Grants
4010 Sales
4430 Shipping & Handling
4440 Interest
4450 Foreign Exchange Gain
4500 Prompt Payment Discounts
4510 Discounts Given
4 Costs
5010 Cost of Goods Sold - Retail
5020 Material Usage Varaiance
5030 Consumable Materials
5040 Purchase price Variance
5050 Purchases of materials
5060 Discounts Received
5100 Freight
5410 Wages & Salaries
5420 Wages - Overtime
5430 Benefits - Comp Time
5440 Benefits - Payroll Taxes
5450 Benefits - Workers Comp
5460 Benefits - Pension
5470 Benefits - General Benefits
5510 Inc Tax Exp - Federal
5520 Inc Tax Exp - State
5530 Taxes - Real Estate
5540 Taxes - Personal Property
5550 Taxes - Franchise
5560 Taxes - Foreign Withholding
5610 Accounting & Legal
5615 Advertising & Promotions
5620 Bad Debts
Chart of Accounts
Print Out Date: 06/12/2019 08:18 pm +0200 GMT frontaccounting.tennis24.ee
Fiscal Year: 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018 (Active) peacecop kalmer: Page 3
Account Account Name Account Code Balance
5660 Amortization Expense
5685 Insurance
5690 Interest & Bank Charges
5700 Office Supplies
5760 Rent
5765 Repair & Maintenance
5780 Telephone
5785 Travel & Entertainment
5790 Utilities
5795 Registrations
5800 Licenses
5810 Foreign Exchange Loss
9990 Year Profit/Loss
5200 HaVaTeK Expenses
14 06/12/2019 06:35:46 pm
Topic: gettext not suitable, UTF-8 not functioning well enough (0 replies, posted in Translations)
Please read the discussion at http://mantis.frontaccounting.com/view.php?id=4903 and answer here.
If UTF-8 is really a big problem for someone then why is there no option for choosing that other version and still having UTF-8 as the default setting?
Instead of "gettext", we could build our own translation system that's context-based and where every translatable phrase has its unique identifier. I've built such a system once, it's not rocket science. And it doesn't need additional software as "gettext" does.
15 06/09/2019 05:54:19 pm
Re: credit note for services (9 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)
I don't know how to tell you what COA I'm using as I can't remember what it was called originally. The default one didn't work as I had to find another one. However, even for that, the profit and loss statement is screwed up.
The version of FA is 2.4.6.
The service item "court_airok_out_1.5" has both its category set to "Services" and type set to "Service". Even in your picture, there's "C.O.G.S."-field visible.
16 06/09/2019 04:28:31 pm
Re: credit note for services (9 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)
For the item "court_airok_out_1.5", I have set "Sales Account: 6010 HaVaTeK Revenuse" and "C.O.G.S. Account: 5200 HaVaTeK Expenses". For service items, the field "C.O.G.S. Account:" mustn't exist at all. Anyway, it's set and nothing is set to inventory as that field isn't visible because the item is a service item. I can't even change the type of the item as it's greyed out.
17 06/09/2019 01:30:44 pm
Topic: credit note for services (9 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)
I entered a correct invoice. While entering the next one, I didn't pay attention that the last customer was chosen and didn't choose the correct customer. And I entered the invoice for an incorrect customer. Now, I needed to issue a credit note to cancel the incorrect invoice. For "Credit Note Type", I didn't change the default option "Items Returned to Inventory Location". All the items were services. The result was awkward:
Journal Date Account Code Account Name Dimension Debit Credit Memo
11/23/2018 6010 HaVaTeK Revenue 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 30.00
11/23/2018 5200 HaVaTeK Expenses 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 16.20
11/23/2018 1510 Inventory 16.20
11/23/2018 6010 HaVaTeK Revenue 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 16.20
11/23/2018 6010 HaVaTeK Revenue 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 0.05
11/23/2018 1200 00012 Accounts Receivables: RAJAPUU 46.25
Total 62.45 62.45
For "HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi", an expense of 16.20 is registered and the same amount was debited to inventory. How can a service be an inventory at all? And why did it happen only for one row, not the first and third row?
18 06/08/2019 03:55:33 pm
Re: How to sell a fractional part of a service? (2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
I figured out that it works if I enter 0.5 and it doesn't if I enter .5.
19 06/08/2019 03:50:55 pm
Topic: How to sell a fractional part of a service? (2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
We arrange tennis competitions. After each month, we got an invoice from the owner of tennis courts. This means we rent the courts. That invoice is based on real usage. The agreed price per 1.5 h per court is 7.50 euros. I entered a service item for that, connected it to the project revenue and expenses accounts and set the purchase price for that supplier. I have no idea what's the standard cost, so I entered 7.50 euros as the standard cost, also. Was it correct?
The problem appears when I want to invoice a participant. For the same service item, I set the same sale price as we don't ask for a profit. If the match was singles, we only sell half of the court rental time. However, after entering 0.5 as the quantity, it will be converted to 1 automatically and the price remains 7.50 instead of 3.75. Some matches were in doubles, so I also need to sale 0.25 of that service item. And any other fractional part of that 1.5 h. How to do that in FrontAccounting?
20 04/24/2019 08:36:07 pm
Re: Cash Flow Statement (28 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
This extension isn't listed in the access roles list.
21 04/21/2019 07:47:15 pm
Re: removing a company messes up the system (9 replies, posted in Installation)
As far as I get it, there's one database for the whole system, so it includes the stuff of all the companies. It's not like in "KwaMoja" where every company has its own database. And what happened is that the one and only database is gone. The system has deleted it. Maybe it's somehow connected to the system upgrade, however there was no reason for the upgrade as I installed the newest version.
22 04/21/2019 07:28:52 pm
Re: removing a company messes up the system (9 replies, posted in Installation)
I discovered that after the above described process, the whole database is gone. Just gone, nothing left. If removing a company removes the whole database, it's critical and pathological to other companies, to the whole system.
23 04/21/2019 07:09:03 pm
Topic: removing a company messes up the system (9 replies, posted in Installation)
I just installed newest FA for the first time. I saw that some demo data was also installed. After creating a new company, also demo data was installed. I wanted to remove it as there are no "iPad"-s in my inventory. However, it seemed to be an overwhelming process. So I installed Swedish chart and created a third company using that. No demo data - fine. Then, I removed the previous company. After a while of green rectangles, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark was shown. Thereafter, FA demanded a system upgrade. A system upgrade was impossible as FA told me that... I can't even remember what. Anyhow, I looked inside the log file and there, a mysqli error was displayed: "0:admin:connect_db_mysqli.inc:127:[before upgrade] mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given". Then, I logged out. After logging in, I only see this: "Back
04/21/2019 | 08:51 pm
FrontAccounting 2.4.6 - Theme: default -
FrontAccounting". Is the newest version of FA still beta? How can I reliably use it if I can't even log in now? What should I do?