(0 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sorry to post here, I don't have permission to post in the development forum.
Will Version 2.5 support additional fields?  I didn't see it listed in the planned additions for 2.5. I hope this gets included, as DB changes only happen in major releases, and additional fields require new tables...

Thanks, and everyone, please stay safe.


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks, Joe. It works perfectly now.

I'm very grateful to the entire FA team. you guys are awesome!


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)


I'm running frontaccounting 2.4.6 on php 7.1, in a sub-directory (mysite.com/frontaccounting).

The Elegant theme looks wonderful!
When I click on a top level menu like Sales, Purchases, or Dimensions, and then click on a lower level menu item, like Sales > Sales Quotation Entry, everything is fine. But if I click on another lower level menu item, like Sales > Sales Order, the subdirectory gets dropped from the url and it tries to serve mysite.com/sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewOrder=Yes instead of mysite.com/frontaccounting//sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewOrder=Yes.

If I click on a top level menu item again, I can click on a lower level menu item again, but again, only once. A second click on a lower  level menu item will again drop the subdirectory from the url.

I hope this is something that can be fixed.
