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I did check it -- dropped log statements in methodically (just downloaded yesterday, code is new to me, and php is not my strong suite).
The gl_items class (which is the culprit) is defined in, not intuitive, but can't hide from grep
EDIT: To also be clear, it's not just the display. When an item is added to the gl_items list it uses the constructor in the gl_items class which does the rounding, so the rounded number is what gets pushed to the sql table.
We need 8 decimal places for GL entries and despite setting the precision adding a new journal entry always rounded to 2 places.
If we go back and update the entry, then the full number would stay.
In includes/ui/, the definition for class gl_item ignores the user precision at line 535 (line 534 in the GitMaster):
$this->amount = round($amount, 2);
Whereas the function update_gl_item does not round (line 161):
$this->gl_items[$index]->amount = $amount;
I've hacked the file, but would probably be better to update -- not sure where to submit a pull request on sourceforge.
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