Hope someone can explain what is going on with Exchange Variance.  My Base Currency is ZAR and I have entered exchange rate for every day of the year for ZAR/EUR and ZAR/GBP

Now when i do a fund trasfer from a EUR to GBP bank account or even a GBP to GBP bank account I get a FundTranfer which seems 100% and then I get an additional journal entry with a value that always is doubling.

Please see example

Fund Transfer 105
Journal Entry 117

Any ideas.  I personally don't see the reason for the journal entry at all. 

Using version 2.4.2.

I think I have solved the problem.

In function work_order_produce() in file  manufacturing/includes/db/work_order_produce_items_db.inc, change lines 84-87:

add_stock_move(ST_WORKORDER, $product["stock_id"], $woid,
    $product["loc_code"], $date_, $ref, $product['units_issued']+$quantity, $unit_cost); 

update_material_cost($product['stock_id'], $product['units_issued']+$quantity, $unit_cost, $date_);


update_material_cost($product['stock_id'], $product['units_issued']+$quantity, $unit_cost, $date_);
add_stock_move(ST_WORKORDER, $product["stock_id"], $woid,
    $product["loc_code"], $date_, $ref, $product['units_issued']+$quantity, $unit_cost); 

You need to do this because the $qoh in the function update_material_cost() is required to be the original qoh before the stock move in add_stock_move().

Hope this helps.

Hello, Yes I posted as a guest, but all registered now.

Thank you for the reply.  I'm not/can't use sales kits because once the the item is complete it must be placed in stock. And then it gets transferred to a consignment location.

Any idea why i get this random number showing in my Unit cost?   I can send you some screen shots.

Hi All

I'm having some issues with my Work Order updating my standard cost with some random number.  Can someone identify what I am doing wrong.

I have a BOM with only 2 item in it.
1x Chain
1x Pendant
Result: 1 x Necklace

I am adding no Labour or Overhead cost.

My costed BOM says.   
1x Chain @ 39.1249
1x Pendant @ 44.3617
Result: 1 x Necklace @ 83.4866

I run the Work Order. All correct amounts are removed on the GL Side

However when I go to the Necklace in Invertory/Items it gives me a Standard cost, Unit Cost of :44.198770588336

It does this for all my work orders