(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

The hard coded account code length is 15 characters. But it looks like it can be changed simply by changing the database field length and the input limitations.

I did initial testing and it appeared to work, but there's probably other areas that use the 15 character limit that I'm not aware of.

Anyway, the hard coded limit is located at \gl\manage\gl_accounts, line 244. And the table that holds the account codes is X_chart_master. If you want to play around with it.

This variable might be better off in the systems table.


(5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I found them. The options are hard coded at line 80 in ./includes/sysnames.inc.


(5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Thanks. I don't see the Account Type in either of those tables. I'm looking to change the spelling of Chequing to Checking.

Since FA handles cash accounts and checking accounts differently, are these account types hard coded?

I did implement the fixes posted.

Yes, tried it on FA v2.3 and v2.4.1.
WAMP v3.0.9
MySQL v5.7.14
PHP v5.6.25

Using Chrome 59.0.3071.115

I know it's the WAMP server installation because I setup a Raspberry Pi server and FA is running just fine on it. I will probably run it on the Raspberry PI, runs faster anyway.


(5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Where would I change the bank account type (i.e., Chequing Account to Checking Account)?

If not in the UI in the tables through phpMyAdmin?


I am able to log into FA and was able to setup a few users. Somewhere along the line it stopped performing actions. It will only perform the 1st action after a page has been loaded. For example, loading Bank and General Ledger -> GL Accounts, then selecting an account will pull the account data. Selecting a second account will not work. This is true on every action throughout FA.

Apache error log:

[Sun Jul 02 17:12:16.427391 2017] [:error] [pid 8420:tid 1168] [client] 0:admin:JsHttpRequest.php:388:[before upgrade] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent, referer: http://localhost/frontaccounting/gl/manage/gl_accounts.php?

Error log in frontaccounting/tmp:

[02-Jul-2017 21:12:16 UTC] 0:admin:session.inc:434:[before upgrade] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent

Thanks in advance for any help!