(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Joe

Server: XAMPP 1.7.0
PHP 5.2.8
MySQL  5.1.20

Windows XP Home SR 3

FA 2.1.3



(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)


I just did a new clean installation of version 2.1.3 and I have the same problem.

Are there and prerequisites before doing a direct invoice?

I have also rechecked my mysql setup for inno configuration and all seems fine.

I don't know if joe has seen this thread maybe he might have an answer.



(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thanks Janusz

I could only get the automated installation working. Thats why I followed the automated installation process and then created a new company from the setup.

I will try 2.1.3 again.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

I had endless problems with this.

After some searching did the following. I created the default company - normal installation. Then in the setup page I created my company using the en_US-new sql script for a clean installation.

This worked for me but then ran into a problem with direct invoicing that supposedly sould not be a problem.

Hope this helps



(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thanks for the reply Janusz

I'm using version 2.1.2 but also saw the same error in version 2.1.3. Because of the error I reinstalled version 2.1.2 - version that is displayed when downloading from the repo, I thought 2.1.3 might be a beta or unstable version. What caused the db corruption that you saw previously?

I did a quick test. The direct order works with the default company.

I installed the default and then created my own company from the setup page option - as explained in the forum. I used the en_US-new sql script to create my company. Could it be that there is a problem with the sql script?


Hi Guys

First, like most of the users, I have been searching for this application for a long time. Thanks.

I have a problem when I try to create a direct invoice. When I 'Place Invoice' I get a sql error: DATABASE ERROR: FATAL : sales order return nothing - 0

I assume this is because no sales order exist. If so how do to allocate the sales order to the invoice?

Also how does one edit a supplier? I created two suppliers but only one is shown.

Thanks - Steven