joe wrote:

We haven't made all the COAs ourselves, so in some of them you will have to create these accounts yourself.

The Retained Earnings shoulb be in the Equity Class (Liability Class) and the Year Profit/Loss Account should be the last one in the Expense Class.
By placing these accounts this way you will get a fine Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement even for closed years.


Hello Joe,

Please I'm having the error which came up because I changed the GL group of the Year Profit/Loss GL account to another GL group in the equity class, I removed it from the expenses group and created another GL Group with the name Profit & Loss.

What is the idea behind the Year Profit/Loss GL account grouped under the Administrative & General Expense GL group when you agreed that it should be under the Equity class but you wrote in bracket again liability (is the equity & liability not two different classes) ???

I changed the grouping of the Year Profit/Loss GL account under a new group called Profit & Loss under Equities class, but when I'm trying to assign the re-classified Year Profit/Loss GL in the "System and General GL Setup" window, I get the error

The Retained Earnings Account should be a Balance Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account should be an Expense Account (preferred the last one in the Expense Class).

My accountant wants the Profit & Loss and Retained earnings GL displayed under the "Owner's Equity" class in the reports...???

You mentioned that you have been able use it successfully, how did you configure the Profit & Loss to show properly under the Equity class in the reports with the Profit/Loss GL under the Expense Class.???

tradiuz wrote:

You can actually fix this by breaking the two accounts mentioned out and assigning them proper GL Account Groups so that you can apply them distinct GL Account Classes...  I just figgured this out after a year+ of using the software.

Hello Tradiuz,

The solution you mentioned appears to be what I am trying to achieve, the idea of classify the Year Profit & Loss GL under the expense is actually wrong, the accountant of my office and management insist that they want the Profit & Loss to be under a GL Group of its own and should be under the Equity class.

They also want the same applied for Retained Earnings, it should have its own group and another gl account under it with the name "Retained Earnings".

To achieve the above,

I actually created two account groups (Profit & Loss and Retained Earnings) both under the Equity class. Because the account code for Retained Earnings and Profit/Loss GL have to change from the default code that came with the US_GAAP 8-digits chart.

Hence I have to delete the existing Retained Earnings and Year Profit & Loss GLs, and recreated the two accounts, but this time classified them under the new independent groups I have created for them above.

The error "The Retained Earnings Account should be a Balance Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account should be an Expense Account (preferred the last one in the Expense Class)" comes up when I try to configure and use the newly created Retained Earnings and Year Profit/Loss GLs in the "System and General GL Setup" screen. ???

I don't know if you experienced the same issue when you splitted it like this, how were you able to resolve it please.

Thanks for your prompt response.


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hello Raddison,

Thanks firstly for the extension mulitple journals import. I found yours was about the most efficient.

Please could you advise how to make this work for v2.4

Thanks in anticipation.


Samuel Osoba