Worked - Installation completed on Ubuntu server running PHP 7.##
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by jkomar
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Worked - Installation completed on Ubuntu server running PHP 7.##
Thank YOU
Tried to install Front Accounting and received the following errrors from 3 thru 105 :
Uninitialized string offset: 3 in file: /var/www/html/SSC/public_html/account/includes/ at line 185
Uninitialized string offset: 105 in file: /var/www/html/SSC/public_html/account/includes/ at line 185
Running Ubuntu 18.04.1 with PHP 7.2.24
FrontAccounting returning PHP version >=5.0.0 (which my installation is I am at 7.2.24)
Any help would be appreciated
I am working on a custom assembly package and I am trying to figure out where the trans_no comes from in the stock_moves table. I understand that they are related to and come from the file but I have the number "7" in the field and I do not see that in the file or system files, basically cannot figure out where it came from. Is there a table somewhere that contains all of the possible trans_no or relationship.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by jkomar
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