Yeah, there must be specific cost value for each location, but the specific cost is not correct for each location currently.
So, we can only use the report of all location value as correct figure,
Value of each location is not correct and sum of them are not equal to all location report figure.


Regarding the Inventory valuation report,
Sum of each location value is not equal with All location value, after location transfers.

Transferred item cost are calculated with new location cost, instead of old location cost.

For example,
I get 2 locations ( L1 and L2 ) and one product A.
There is 1 qty in L1 with cost $1 ( L1 total value is $1)
There are 2 qty in L2 with cost $2 ( L2 total value is $4)
Total cost value for All location is $5. ( it is correct before undergoing a transfer )

After doing a transfer of 1 qty from L2 to L1, the result showing as followed,
2 qty in L1 with cost $1 ( L1 total value is $2)
1 qty in L2 with cost $2 ( L2 total value is $2)
so, sum of each location value is $4, which is not correct.
If I select all location, the result is showing $5, which is correct.

So, We get problem to get inventory valuation by each location after stock transfer.

Please advise.

I could not find the clues for my issue from above links.

My issue is user could not see the dashboard (The security settings on your account do not permit you to access this function ), when I disable the Display Preferences check box under Setup/Access setup for that user.

Is there anyway to show the dashboard, but do not enable Display Preference for a user?

I am using FA 2.4.1 with default Canvas Theme. ( No external dashboard theme and module installed ).


I have upgrading FA 2.4.1 and using default theme ( eg. Canvas/dropdown ).

I would like to disable the users' Preferences at their access setup, but I would like to allow user to see their dashboard view.
(Disabling preferences also disable the user's dashboard view at present.)

Please advise.

It is preferable to add check box for dashboard at access setup and a link for dashboard setup to edit dashboard view at suitable place.

Note: Previous dashboard theme and module are not working well after upgrading to version 2.4.1.

Thanks and Best Regards,

My problem solved after I edited the gl/inquiry/gl_account_inquiry.php file.
Now I can see both debit and credit total balance at GL inquiry.
Thanks for your suggestion.


I would like to show the total value of credit column and debit column at GL inquiry for a GL account after selecting the date range.
Currently there is only see the closing balance at the end.
Please advise  how to edit the code?