i need to know how to review transactions before posting them as an admin .

i installed the latest version of FrontAccounting 2.3.5 and the problem still up?

please i need to fix this issue ASAP

thank you in advance

where can i find "FA repo" to download general COA.

thank you in advance

where can i update this solution?
do i have to make any steps or download any files and where can i find these files?

thank you in advance

i did created new installation with new database (without prefix) with the default ( Arabic Egypt COA)
now i cant join for the main company with admin login

as i said before when i choose ( Arabic Egypt COA) i never can login with username :admin and password : admin

I did installed another new installation from scratch (with prefix) and the secound company i did make 1_ as prefix

Note : every company i do create new database for every company

so how can i fix this problem???

thank you in advance

i did try this and did not work well.

Ok. I'm going to make new installtion with the ( Arabic Egypt COA) as default charts of accounts in the main comapny
and i will make new company based on ( Arabic Egypt COA)

i got some questions
i used to make new database for every new company. Does that will generate any problem for making new company with new password?

if i make new company with no prefix does that will generate any problem?

thank you in advance

i have some information it might help

when i try  to  Install/Activate Chart of Accounts ( Arabic Egypt COA) on the main company then i try to make new company based on this  Chart of Accounts i get this problem
i never can login with Username :admin and Password:admin

so i stopped using the  ( Arabic Egypt COA)  at all  and i need to use it
maybe you can try this to make sure and tell me if you can make ( Arabic Egypt COA) for new company

thank you in advance


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

i need your help
how can i make new installment to any sales invoice

i need to let the customer to pay the invoice dividing to 12 months
for example
if i i have new sales invoice with total 1000 US
how can i make installment depending on this invoice so the customer he must pay 100 US every month and the admin can determine the remaining value after every month and tell the admin how many installments are remaining

thank you in advance

When i make more than company
i need to access with only one username and password (admin/admin for example)
and it's not the same for the username and password for the company that i need to edit or manage

for example
When i installed FA 2.3.1
i Create new (user_Admin/pass_admin) with First company (A) Default company

after that i create company (B) with Comany Adminstrator (B_user/B_pass)
after that i create company (C) with Comany Adminstrator (C_user/C_pass)

how can i access company B and company C using : (user_Admin/pass_admin)

thank you in advance