(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

thank you joe, its very kind of you smile

Hi, I am using FA Version 2.1.5 Build 26.08.2009.

the customer statements will show each transaction, even those that have been voided, and leaves a "0.00" line on the statement, which looks a bit odd. another thing is, when a statement is generated, it shows all the transactions, but we do not want to send such long statements, we only want the customer to see the bills that are outstanding, is there any way to realise this?

These are small problems but can be quite annoying......especially when some customers are not very sensible......but i'm not very technically capable, dare not do an upgrade or change the script myself.......could anyone help please?

Like put a "£" in front of the numbers?

Or shall I customize the invoice myself to put the "£"?

Thank you Joe.


(20 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thank you so much Joe!


(20 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Our firm has a long list of clients, around 300. When you want to process a transaction of one client, you have to drag the bar and find out this client from the long list.
Is there any way to do it easier? Like a selection function?
Thank you

But the thing is, my office is planing to intall this package, shall I wait for another few days for 2.3 release?
Sorry we are not very computer literate and upgrading from old version to new version would be ......

Thank you Joe!

I use version 2.1.2. Can anyone tell me is there a way to reverse the negative figures of capital account and liability into positive ones?
Thank you !