Is needed for stock control.
If i buy a product, if I don´t sell the product, the product is always in stock.
But the product is not in stock because is spent with services.
Invoice the item sold is only the service not the product
I need update the quantity of the product, insert the cost in an account, the product does not exist anymore in stock, but I never invoice the product.

Thanks Joe maybe you are right but I don´t find anything equal . I have read practically all post in this category.

AFAIK there are very few ways to decrease a item quantity
Invoice: not applies
Kit invoice: not applies
Manufacture work order: not applies
Inventory adjustment: not very properly but we can use that way

If exists best ways please let me know.

Thank you anyway.
I use FA for 3 years and it´s the best account application. Congratulations

It´s about construction services

I sell / invoice, services surfacing in square meters (m2) using a component or product from stock in kg

If I need invoice that service in m2,  I need have a item in service in m2 and is that item it is decreased with the invoice.

As I use a item (cement) (component or product) units in kg for made a service make in square meters (m2) (surfacing)

The item I use to made the surfacing is in kg and how can decrease if I don´t sell the item by it self but transformed in surfacing in m2

The assembly/manufacture does not work because the quantity of kg needed for the m2 made are not allways the same is variable.

I need to decrease from stock the item  I´ve purchased  is in kg.

The only way to decrease from inventory is invoicing? but I never invoice the item I have purchased,  I transform them

I hope made me understand. Very thanks


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sorry if this has already been discussed in forum I´ve perform search and find nothing about.
I think in lot organizations have to approve all the transaction by a senior or super administrator user
If it is possible have one transaction in draft status and after be approved by other user (the administrator) is very usefull
I don´t really know for what do the reverse transaction in Journal entry. Is the same?
Very nice work

Sales invoice

When add direct invoice working with Chrome navigator the browser auto reload and says:

Direct Sales Invoice
This edit session has been abandoned by opening sales document in another browser tab. You cannot edit more than one sales document at once.

This  not happens really, no have other  browsers open.

This not happens with Firefox. This browser work well and I can make the invoice o.k. no problems.

the Chrome is not appropriate or something else? I´ve clean the cache but the behavior persist

I made clean installation of frontaccounting latest version.
In Maintenance / Bank Accounts I can´t add one more bank account in same GL account.
I receive message "The GL account selected is already in use. Select another GL account."
In older version this is possible. I have more than one bank accounts in each Cash, Saving, Credit or Check  GL account
It´s because the Chart of accounts be different?
Someone help me

I use component from stock (item for work in progress) for doing services.
Conclusion: I sell services but I spend inventory item.
How can I decrease the item from stock spent in the service?
For take the item from stock, I need use the invoice but I cannot use because the invoice is about the service, not about the item, I not sell the item, but I need decrease the item quantity.
The adjustment is not appropriate
Thank you for help


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

There is some information in,2340,en_2649_33749_34910329_1_1_1_1,00.html

Congratulation for excelent FA


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

Anybody know anything about SAFT file?

From January 2008, all companies that use software to manage their accounting /
billing will be required to issue a standard file with their accounting data.

SAFT  (Standard Audit File for Tax porposes)

It is mandatory in Europe from this year all the software issuing invoices produce and export a file named SAFT to send if order to government with purposes of control taxes and others


(0 replies, posted in Reporting)

How to create a repor for audit all entries?

Is very important be sure the acccounts balance done can´t be changed with one entry made with date before the audit date.

One report of all entry by # record for printing and confirming entries and balances it´s very important.  With this report all changes with date before appear in the last page of report. How can doo that? With report generator? I think I don´t understand very well this tool.

The general Journey entry is not appropriatte because we can do one entry with date before and it´s all changed.

Or limit privileges for the user acount in entries with date before...


(1 replies, posted in Wish List)

I think it was very usefully each transactions have a status: Draft or Confirmed to possibilit imput transactions before totally aproved. Until be aproved can be easly errase not void.
Something like bank reconciliation without return in all transactions