(2 replies, posted in Translations)

I open debug.


Use of undefined constant SID - assumed 'SID' in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 56
Use of undefined constant SID - assumed 'SID' in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 56
Use of undefined constant SID - assumed 'SID' in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 56
Use of undefined constant SID - assumed 'SID' in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 56
Use of undefined constant SID - assumed 'SID' in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 56
Use of undefined constant SID - assumed 'SID' in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 56
Use of undefined constant SID - assumed 'SID' in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 56
Undefined index: ordersSID in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/frontaccounting.php at line 59
Trying to get property of non-object in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 135
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 135

I doubted this error lines.

Undefined index: ordersSID in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/frontaccounting.php at line 59
Trying to get property of non-object in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 135
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file: /home/content/a/l/a/alayimmicom/html/themes/default/renderer.php at line 135


I see :

If set English languge Sales link is

but if set My language Sales link is

I found error.

Why application links change ?

If I manually enter http://www.alayimmi.com/index.php?application=orders
I see correct words in my language.

But default links changing xxxSID on my language.

is this problem ? How can I correct this.


(2 replies, posted in Translations)

Hello i working translation our language.
But i tired lot of times,

I convert iso-8859-9
I convert utf-8
convert iso-8859-1

is not possible.

our problem:

If we setup new language. FrontAccounting Hide All content except Main Menu and Footer.

Main Menu showing, but all sub menu and content is there isnt here.

what is wrong.

We convert only %5. is this problem ?

this is good : http://i40.tinypic.com/5xiw6v.jpg

but set my language : http://tinypic.com/r/2qsov87/5

sub menu and content hiding..

wrong: http://tinypic.com/r/30htxts/5

What is wrong ?
