(7 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)


I am on the same problem for 2.3.1 how do i resolve this?


How do we display the customer branch details under quotation and sales order? at current, it shows just the name but not the addresses.


Thanks Itronics. Got it right now.

Hi, i am also facing similar problem.

My invoice starts with INV000***. I have set this in the form. It appears right in the direct invoice, however, it output 1 instead of the INV000***.


(23 replies, posted in Reporting)

joe wrote:

The NewLine produces 12 cr/nl.
The TextCol uses the column definition for 4 and 7/5. If you want to print exactly you can use other routines in /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc..

Normally we don't have resources to help with design of reports, so you are on your own here. Maybe some from the community can help you.


thank you joe. i am a noob in programming, so i am trying to learn and understand and hopefully contribute back to the community


(29 replies, posted in Wish List)

me too. i would like to track items through their serial number which would make it easier to account for the inventory.


(23 replies, posted in Reporting)

hi joe

I have added the below into php107
            $rep->TextCol(4, 7, $doc_InvoiceSignature, -2);
            $rep->TextCol(4, 5, $doc_DatedS, -2);
is there any other way to specify the column and row where the wordings should appear.

also, how to i insert the line above the invoice signature and date.

I also notice that the customer address is not reflected under sales order and quotation. how do i activate it.


(23 replies, posted in Reporting)

thanks joe. found it

i need to draw a line whereby i can sign off the invoice. is it possible to do that?


(23 replies, posted in Reporting)

hi joe

i can't find the legal text under setup tab, company setup. i am using 2.3