Hi Joe,

Just wondering if i have made the correct process for the cheque process, seems that i need to do the:-

1. "Purchase Order Entry" and
2. "Payments to Suppliers" before i can
3. "Allocate Supplier Payments or Credit Notes".

Please correct me if i'm wrong.


Thanks a lot Joe, that's help me alot.

hi Joe,

i'm new to the module and appreciate the assistant on showing me the correct process to do allocation.


Dear admin,

I need to know about the Chequing Accounts & Cheque Issue / Print Module.

I have setup the Chequing Accounts & Cheque Issue / Print inside my FA version 2
The problem i'm facing right now is, i got an error

"Error: Payment allocations missing / incomplete for this payment.
900.00 left to allocate."

Can anybody help me how to solve this matter?

Dear Support,

I have few issues i need to understand and to solve in using FA.
I'm using FA for services base accounting software, thanks to the support here, i have solve most of my problem.

I need to know & solve few issues arises.

1. I have create the Tax Group and Tax type, but may i know where does this will effect in my GL and invoices.
2. Where can i view the balance or whatever the Tax effect?
3. Which GL account the sale taxes balance goes to?

1. How do i assign which supplier is being paid?

Supplier allocation
1. How does this work? does it cater for services type GL account?

Appreciate the reply


Ooh, OK...thanks...will check in the module page.

Thanks again.

Thanks Janusz,

thats help me a lot...

Do you have any module for payment voucher and printing.


Greeting. I'm new FrontAccounting, i found it very useful for our small business. I have inquiry regarding Journal Entry.

Journal Entry
1. how can i view back the previous Journal Entry i have add and edit the Journal Entry details.

2. To have the "Search" function for searching the Journal Entry data.

1. Where should i go to if i want to change the details of report such as "Item Description" for Sales Order.

Thanks and i hope i have give the correct question.