Hi Apmuthu,

Thanks for your reply.
I still had no fix for this.
I've implemented this fix, tested for about fifteen minutes and: so far so good.
Will be testing some more real soon and report back results of more testing here.

It's about time to get going with production work in FA...
Just have been so busy getting ready for move to off the grid log house in Sweden!

Keep up the good FA work!

Regards, Eric

I do find /var/www/frontaccountingdir/includes/session.inc
I presume this is the file you mean.
There are two occurrences of preventHijacking in the code, but I have no PHP programming skills at this time, so I do not know which part to comment out.

Running as instead of localhost does not help either.

Disabling all Iceweasel (Firefox) add-ons does not help.

Thanks for the suggestion Apmuthu,
I tested removing cert8.db several times extensively but this does not resolve the issue entirely.
Links in frontaccounting kept unresponsive here and there, some of the time.
So far, a window refresh always helped as a workaround (CTRL-R or F5).

Currently started a test with ALL add-ons (most security and privacy related) disabled.
IF it stays away, I'll test with enabling add-ons one by one, while writing down the results.

Maybe this relates to another issue I have:
I have entered 36000 seconds inactivity timeout, but often the Frontaccounting session ends (much) sooner. I'll make a separate post about this issue.

For the rest, Frontaccounting works nicely and I'm very happy I discovered it. :-)

"localhost" in the whitelist of Noscript in Firefox does not resolve the issue.

That rings a bell for me, TM.
I have now simply put "localhost" in the whitelist of Noscript in Firefox.
I will be testing the results the coming hours and report back here.

Hi all,

I'm still new with FA and studying the posts and article i find on entering opening balance sheet with AR and AP items.

Not sure exactly what the wiki means in article "https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php?n=Main.OpeningBalances" about "If you have AR/AP records (not settled yet), this is more complicated." in terms of journal entries, but in other bookkeeping software i've always used an 'intermediary account opening balance' - leading to the following journal entries:

ENTERING AR ENTRIES in SALES/DIRECT INVOICE (example for just one AR item):
AR /customer 1                                                      10
intermediary account opening balance                             10

AP /supplier 1                                                      5
intermediary account opening balance                             5

intermediary account opening balance               10
intermediary account opening balance                                        5
Equity                                                                                         5

In Dutch I call the intermediary "account opening balance" something like 2XXX "Tussenrekening beginbalans debiteuren/crediteuren" or "Tussenrekening openingsbalans debiteuren/crediteuren".

If you like you can use two intermediary accounts: "intermediary account opening balance AR" and "intermediary account opening balance AP".

Hi FA people,

I have installed FA locally and have an intermittent problem: the hypertext links in frontaccounting do not respond. But they do respond after a page refresh with CTRL-R or F5.

I've had intermittent results within a session.
I have also had 100% response within another session.

I have not yet figured out whether this issue arises within or across logins, companies, FA sessions, browser sessions or Debian sessions.

Please let me know:
1. how to fix this or
2. what info you need on my system or
3. what tests to do to analyze this.

Running Debian, Firefox with some security add-ons, apache, mysql.

Thanks for the effort,

Eric Groen

Happilly getting to know FA...

Okay, Thanks Joe!

Okej, Svenskarna - har ni svar på denna fråga för mig? Tak!
Jag skulle verkligen vilja veta dina erfarenheter med Frontaccounting i Sverige.

Med vänliga hälsningar,
Eric Groen

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your response, but could you please be somewhat more specific about Frontaccounting being used in Sweden and accepted by Skatteverket? It is really really hard to find info on people actually using FA in Sweden.

It is primarily about the audit trail: one should be able to see postings and changes to them, including who performed the change.


Hi Frontaccounting users and developers,

(I could not find a really good forum category for this question, so I rolled the dice and posted it here in 'setup'.)

I'm looking for open source bookkeeping software which complies with the Swedish bookkeeping law (Bokföringslag (1999:1078)).
It is especially chapter 5, paragraph 5, with respect to changes to entries / audit trail:

Rättelse av bokföringspost
5 § Om en bokföringspost rättas, skall det anges när rättelsen har skett och vem som har gjort den. Sker rättelsen genom en särskild rättelsepost, skall det samtidigt säkerställas att det vid en granskning av den rättade bokföringsposten utan svårighet går att få kännedom om rättelsen.

ENGLISH (translation by google translate, edited by me)
Correction of accounting entry
5 § If a bookkeeping entry is corrected, it shall be stated when notification has been made and who made it. Takes notice through a special corrective bookkeeping entry, it must also be ensured that an examination of the corrected entry in the accounts without difficulty makes it possible to obtain information about the correction.

My questions are:
1. Who of you is using Frontaccounting in Sweden?
2. Is it your experience that Frontaccounting functions according to (this article of) the Swedish bookkeeping law?
3. Do you use Frontaccounting in Sweden and have you had audits by the Swedish tax authority 'Skatteverket'?
4. Does Skatteverket approve the use of Frontaccounting?
5. I noticed that apparently a (former?) senior developer on Frontaccounting by the name of Joe Hunt lives in Sweden according to an old post (https://sourceforge.net/blog/frontaccounting-is-all-over-the-map/).  I'm very eager to get in contact with/hear from Joe Hunt about his experiences with Frontaccounting in Sweden and compliance with Swedish bookkeeping law.

Please let me know by replying here and/or by e-mailing me at ericgroen@administratiestudio.nl. Thanks!

Eric Groen