(15 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Here it the patch so you do not have to register to download the file

    Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
    Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL, 
    as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
    Retrieve value of POST variable(s).
    For $name passed as array $dflt is not used, 
    default values can be passed as values with non-numeric keys instead.
    If some field have user formatted numeric value, pass float default value to
    convert automatically to POSIX.
function get_post($name, $dflt='')
    if (is_array($name)) {
        $ret = array();
        foreach($name as $key => $dflt)
            if (!is_numeric($key)) {
                $ret[$key] = is_float($dflt) ? input_num($key, $dflt) : get_post($key, $dflt);
            } else {
                $ret[$dflt] = get_post($dflt, null);
        return $ret;
    } else
        return is_float($dflt) ? input_num($name, $dflt) : 
                ((!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] === '') ? $dflt : $_POST[$name]);

function start_form($multi=false, $dummy=false, $action="", $name="")
    // $dummy - leaved for compatibility with 2.0 API

    if ($name != "")
        $name = "name='$name'";
    if ($action == "")
        $action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

    if ($multi)
        echo "<form enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post' action='$action' $name>\n";
        echo "<form method='post' action='$action' $name>\n";


    Flush hidden fields buffer.
function output_hidden()
    global $hidden_fields;

    if (is_array($hidden_fields))
        echo implode('', $hidden_fields);
    $hidden_fields = array();

function end_form($breaks=0)
    global $Ajax, $hidden_fields;

    $_SESSION['csrf_token'] = hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
    if ($breaks)
    hidden('_modified', get_post('_modified', 0));
    hidden('_token', $_SESSION['csrf_token']);
    echo "</form>\n";

function check_csrf_token()
    if ($_SESSION['csrf_token'] != @$_POST['_token'])
        display_error(_("Request from outside of this page is forbidden."));
        error_log(_("CSRF attack detected from: ").@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].' ('.@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].')');
        return false;
    return true;

function start_table($class=false, $extra="", $padding='2', $spacing='0')
    echo "<center><table";
    if ($class == TABLESTYLE_NOBORDER)
        echo " class='tablestyle_noborder'";
    elseif ($class == TABLESTYLE2)
        echo " class='tablestyle2'";
    elseif ($class == TABLESTYLE)
        echo " class='tablestyle'";
    if ($extra != "")
        echo " $extra";
    echo " cellpadding='$padding' cellspacing='$spacing'>\n";

function end_table($breaks=0)
    echo "</table></center>\n";
    if ($breaks)

function start_outer_table($class=false, $extra="", $padding='2', $spacing='0', $br=false)
    if ($br)
    start_table($class, $extra, $padding, $spacing);
    echo "<tr valign=top><td>\n"; // outer table

function table_section($number=1, $width=false)
    if ($number > 1)
        echo "</table>\n";
        $width = ($width ? "width='$width'" : "");
        //echo "</td><td class='tableseparator' $width>\n"; // outer table
        echo "</td><td style='border-left:1px solid #cccccc;' $width>\n"; // outer table
    echo "<table class='tablestyle_inner'>\n";

function end_outer_table($breaks=0, $close_table=true)
    if ($close_table)
        echo "</table>\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
//  outer table spacer
function vertical_space($params='')
    echo "</td></tr><tr><td valign=center $params>";

function meta_forward($forward_to, $params="")
    global $Ajax;
    echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0; url=$forward_to?$params'>\n";
    echo "<center><br>" . _("You should automatically be forwarded.");
    echo " " . _("If this does not happen") . " " . "<a href='$forward_to?$params'>" . _("click here") . "</a> " . _("to continue") . ".<br><br></center>\n";
    if ($params !='') $params = '?'.$params;

// Find and replace hotkey marker.
// if $clean == true marker is removed and clean label is returned 
// (for use in wiki help system), otherwise result is array of label 
// with underlined hotkey letter and access property string.
function access_string($label, $clean=false)
    $access = '';
    $slices = array();

    if (preg_match('/(.*)&([a-zA-Z0-9])(.*)/', $label, $slices))    
        $label = $clean ? $slices[1].$slices[2].$slices[3] :
        $access = " accesskey='".strtoupper($slices[2])."'";
    $label = str_replace( '&&', '&', $label);

    return $clean ? $label : array($label, $access);

function hyperlink_back($center=true, $no_menu=true, $type_no=0, $trans_no=0, $final=false)
    global $path_to_root;

    if ($center)
        echo "<center>";
    $id = 0;    
    if ($no_menu && $trans_no != 0)
        $id = has_attachment($type_no, $trans_no);
        $attach = get_attachment_string($type_no, $trans_no);
        echo $attach;    
    $width = ($id != 0 ? "30%" : "20%");    
    start_table(false, "width='$width'");
    if ($no_menu)
        echo "<td align=center><a href='javascript:window.print();'>"._("Print")."</a></td>\n";
    echo "<td align=center><a href='javascript:goBack(".($final ? '-2' : '').");'>".($no_menu ? _("Close") : _("Back"))."</a></td>\n";
    if ($center)
        echo "</center>";
    echo "<br>";

function hyperlink_no_params($target, $label, $center=true)
    $id = default_focus();
    $pars = access_string($label);
    if ($target == '')
        $target = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if ($center)
        echo "<br><center>";
    echo "<a href='$target' id='$id' $pars[1]>$pars[0]</a>\n";
    if ($center)
        echo "</center>";

function hyperlink_no_params_td($target, $label)
    echo "<td>";
    hyperlink_no_params($target, $label);
    echo "</td>\n";

function viewer_link($label, $url='', $class='', $id='',  $icon=null)
    global $path_to_root;
    if ($class != '')
        $class = " class='$class'";

    if ($id != '')
        $class = " id='$id'";

    if ($url != "")
        $pars = access_string($label);
        if (user_graphic_links() && $icon)
            $pars[0] = set_icon($icon, $pars[0]);
        $preview_str = "<a target='_blank' $class $id href='$path_to_root/$url' onclick=\"javascript:openWindow(this.href,this.target); return false;\"$pars[1]>$pars[0]</a>";
        $preview_str = $label;
 return $preview_str;

function menu_link($url, $label, $id=null)

    $id = default_focus($id);
    $pars = access_string($label);
    return "<a href='$url' class='menu_option' id='$id' $pars[1]>$pars[0]</a>";

function submenu_option($title, $url, $id=null)
    global $path_to_root;
    display_note(menu_link($path_to_root . $url, $title, $id), 0, 1);

function submenu_view($title, $type, $number, $id=null)
    display_note(get_trans_view_str($type, $number, $title, false, 'viewlink', $id), 0, 1);

function submenu_print($title, $type, $number, $id=null, $email=0, $extra=0)
    display_note(print_document_link($number, $title, true, $type, false, 'printlink', $id, $email, $extra), 0, 1);

function hyperlink_params($target, $label, $params, $center=true)
    $id = default_focus();
    $pars = access_string($label);
    if ($target == '')
        $target = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if ($center)
        echo "<br><center>";
    echo "<a id='$id' href='$target?$params'$pars[1]>$pars[0]</a>\n";
    if ($center)
        echo "</center>";

function hyperlink_params_td($target, $label, $params)
    echo "<td>";
    hyperlink_params($target, $label, $params, false);
    echo "</td>\n";


function hyperlink_params_separate($target, $label, $params, $center=false)
    $id = default_focus();

    $pars = access_string($label);
    if ($center)
        echo "<br><center>";
    echo "<a target='_blank' id='$id' href='$target?$params' $pars[1]>$pars[0]</a>\n";
    if ($center)
        echo "</center>";

function hyperlink_params_separate_td($target, $label, $params)
    echo "<td>";
    hyperlink_params_separate($target, $label, $params);
    echo "</td>\n";


function alt_table_row_color(&$k, $extra_class=null)
    $classes = $extra_class ? array($extra_class) : array();
    if ($k == 1)
        array_push($classes, 'oddrow');
        $k = 0;
        array_push($classes, 'evenrow');
    echo "<tr class='".implode(' ', $classes)."'>\n";

function table_section_title($msg, $colspan=2)
    echo "<tr><td colspan=$colspan class='tableheader'>$msg</td></tr>\n";

function table_header($labels, $params='')
    foreach ($labels as $label)
        labelheader_cell($label, $params);

function start_row($param="")
    if ($param != "")
        echo "<tr $param>\n";
        echo "<tr>\n";

function end_row()
    echo "</tr>\n";

function br($num=1)
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
        echo "<br>";

$ajax_divs = array();

function div_start($id='', $trigger=null, $non_ajax=false)
    global $ajax_divs;

    if ($non_ajax) { // div for non-ajax elements
           array_push($ajax_divs, array($id, null));
           echo "<div style='display:none' class='js_only' ".($id !='' ? "id='$id'" : '').">";
    } else { // ajax ready div
           array_push($ajax_divs, array($id, $trigger===null ? $id : $trigger));
           echo "<div ". ($id !='' ? "id='$id'" : '').">";

function div_end()
    global $ajax_divs, $Ajax;

    if (count($ajax_divs))
        $div = array_pop($ajax_divs);
        if ($div[1] !== null)
            $Ajax->addUpdate($div[1], $div[0], ob_get_flush());
    echo "</div>";

//    Tabbed area:
//     $name - prefix for widget internal elements:
//        Nth tab submit name:  {$name}_N
//        div id:    _{$name}_div
//        sel (hidden) name: _{$name}_sel
// $tabs - array of tabs; string: tab title or array(tab_title, enabled_status)

function tabbed_content_start($name, $tabs, $dft='') {
    global $Ajax;

    $selname = '_'.$name.'_sel';
    $div = '_'.$name.'_div';

    $sel = find_submit($name.'_', false);
        $sel = get_post($selname, (string)($dft==='' ? key($tabs) : $dft));

    if ($sel!==@$_POST[$selname])

    $_POST[$selname] = $sel;

    $str = "<ul class='ajaxtabs' rel='$div'>\n";
    foreach($tabs as $tab_no => $tab) {
        $acc = access_string(is_array($tab) ? $tab[0] : $tab);
        $disabled = (is_array($tab) && !$tab[1])  ? 'disabled ' : '';
        $str .= ( "<li>"
            ."<button type='submit' name='{$name}_".$tab_no
            ."' class='".((string)$tab_no===$sel ? 'current':'ajaxbutton')."' $acc[1] $disabled>"
            ."</li>\n" );

    $str .= "</ul>\n";
    $str .= "<div class='spaceBox'></div>\n";
    $str .= "<input type='hidden' name='$selname' value='$sel'>\n";
    $str .= "<div class='contentBox' id='$div'>\n";
    echo $str;

function tabbed_content_end() {
    echo "</div>"; // content box (don't change to div_end() unless div_start() is used above)
    div_end(); // tabs widget

function tab_changed($name)
    $to = find_submit("{$name}_", false);
    if (!$to) return null;

    return array('from' => $from = get_post("_{$name}_sel"),
        'to' => $to);

/* Table editor interfaces. Key is editor type
    0 => url of editor page
    1 => hotkey code
    2 => context help
$popup_editors = array(
    'customer' => array('/sales/manage/customers.php?debtor_no=', 
        113,    _("Customers"), 900, 500),
    'branch' => array('/sales/manage/customer_branches.php?SelectedBranch=', 
        114, _("Branches"), 900, 700),
    'supplier' => array('/purchasing/manage/suppliers.php?supplier_id=', 
        113, _("Suppliers"), 900, 700),
    'item' => array('/inventory/manage/items.php?stock_id=', 
        115, _("Items"), 800, 600)
    Bind editors for various selectors.
    $type - type of editor
    $input - name of related input field
    $caller - optional function key code (available values F1-F12: 112-123,
        true: default)
function set_editor($type, $input, $caller=true)
    global $path_to_root, $Editors, $popup_editors, $Pagehelp;

    $key = $caller===true ? $popup_editors[$type][1] : $caller;

    $Editors[$key] = array( $path_to_root . $popup_editors[$type][0], $input, 
        $popup_editors[$type][3], $popup_editors[$type][4]);
    $help = 'F' . ($key - 111) . ' - ';
    $help .= $popup_editors[$type][2];
    $Pagehelp[] = $help;
// Procedures below are now obsolete. Preserved for eventual future use.

    External page call with saving current context.
    $call - url of external page
    $ctx - optional. name of SESSION context object or array of names of POST 
        variables saved on call
function context_call($call, $ctx='')
    if (is_array($ctx)) 
        foreach($ctx as $postname)
             $context[$postname] = get_post($postname);
    } else 
        $context = isset($_SESSION[$ctx]) ? $_SESSION[$ctx] : null;

    array_unshift($_SESSION['Context'], array('name' => $ctx, 
        'ctx' => $context,
        'caller' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
        'ret' => array()));
    Restores context after external page call and
    returns array of data passed by external page.
function context_restore()
    if ( count($_SESSION['Context'])) {
        if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == $_SESSION['Context'][0]['caller']) {
            $ctx = array_shift($_SESSION['Context']);
            if ($ctx) {
                if (is_array($ctx['ctx'])) {
                    foreach($ctx['ctx'] as $name => $val) 
                        $_POST[$name] = $val;
                } else
                    if ($ctx['name']!='')
                        $_SESSION[$ctx['name']] = $ctx['ctx'];
                return $ctx['ret'];
    return false;

    Return to caller page if the page was called from external context.
function context_return($ret)
    if ( count($_SESSION['Context'])) {
        $ctx = &$_SESSION['Context'][0];
        $ctx['ret'] = $ret;
        meta_forward( $ctx['caller'] );
    Clearing context stack after page cancel.
function context_reset()
    $_SESSION['Context'] = array();
    Context stack initialization
if (!isset($_SESSION['Context'])) {
    Redirector for selector F4 calls.
    $sel_editors is array of selname=>editor_page
function editor_redirect($sel_editors, $save_fun='') {
    foreach ($sel_editors as $selname=>$editor)
        if (isset($_POST['_'.$selname.'_editor'])) {
            if (function_exists($save_fun))
            context_call($editor, array_keys($_POST));
    Return procedure for selector F4 calls
function editor_return($vars, $restore_fun='') {
    if (function_exists($restore_fun))

    if ($ret = context_restore()) {
        foreach ($vars as $postname=>$retname)
            if (isset($ret[$retname])) {
                $_POST[$postname] = $ret[$retname];

function confirm_dialog($submit, $msg) {
    if (find_post($submit)) {
        submit_center_first('DialogConfirm', _("Proceed"), '', true);
        submit_center_last('DialogCancel', _("Cancel"), '', 'cancel');
        return 0;
    } else
        return get_post('DialogConfirm', 0);

    Block menu/shortcut links during transaction procesing.
function page_processing($msg = false)
    global $Ajax;

    if ($msg === true)
        $msg = _('Entered data has not been saved yet.\nDo you want to abandon changes?');

    $js = "_validate._processing=" . (
        $msg ? '\''.strtr($msg, array("\n"=>'\\n')) . '\';' : 'null;');
    if (in_ajax()) {
        $Ajax->addScript(true, $js);
    } else

function page_modified($status = true)
    global $Ajax;

    $js = "_validate._modified=" . ($status ? 1:0).';';
    if (in_ajax()) {
        $Ajax->addScript(true, $js);
    } else
