Can I undo "Cost Update"? How?
I do not recall what it was before but I like to reverse it to what it was calculated when same item was purchased at several different price and quantity.

as it was instructed in the Wiki but that was about a year ago and there is a mistake. So now, I need to change it so rest of the 2015 stays intact.

We need to change a opening balance because it's has a error.

How can I do it form phpmyadmin?

Good job!

Just to let you know, we are now using FrontAccounting to run a actual business and we are very happy with it (except few small quirks here and there but no show stoppers wink

We have a inventory of items X, 100 units
We need to use 5 units of X as free samples for our clients.

Do I adjust inventory by negative 5 or do I "sell" those items with 0.00 price?

See bugtracker.

LOL. Why did I think I am getting a Invoice from there.

My bad, you can close this one

We have items sold with recyclable packages.
We need to track those packages and report the number of packages to recycling centre (RC).
RC will bill us for every package we sold to our clients (pkg price is fixed by the law)

I must set it up as and Item but I can not figure out, what is the best way to go about it.

I was thinking about Item as a service with a
Sales Account:  Package (under Liability) 
C.O.G.S. Account: (default COGS)

But I am not sure, will this work.

Go to "Sales Order Inquiry"  (this page gets renamed to "Search All Sales Orders" - why? -
EDIT: see, this is a real mess you guys got there but it's easy to fix.)

Click on a print icon and you will get a invoice without the legal text.
Can repeat every time.


(9 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Why do you want to carry someone else currency risks and expenses for converting currency?
We decided to bill everyone in EUR and not take the unnecessary risk. It's not our business to trade on Forex.

BTW, ECB rate is only a indication for banks and you can never ever get that same rate, even if you make huge transactions. It's always off by few points to feed the greedy usurer aka your bank. smile

If you keep the foreign currency, ECB's exchange rate is used only for reporting in your base currency.

If your base currency is EUR but you billed me 100 USD for XYZ, and you keep the USD on your bank account, the exchange rate has no meaning until you need to report your equity in EUR.

If you convert the USD at some later point in time, the exchange rate used on your invoice has no meaning either. (unless you have "forward" or "futures" contact with your bank) 

You can only use the rate offered to you on the moment you converted USD to EUR and you need to use your bank rate for tha, not ECB rate.

What happens is : You buy X EUR with your 100 USD.
Or if you like, you sell 100 USD, for X EUR
Now you can calculate the actual value of you transaction in EUR.

ECB rate is used ONLY for reporting, not for issuing invoices.

Do yourself and your company a favour - stick to one currency!


(9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Can you please update the Category options to:

* Bug 
* Feature Request
* Change request
* Annoyance 

"Technical change" can mean anything and nothing smile

Bug  -  problem, unexpected behaviour, something goes wrong if..., UI problem with a browser Y etc.   

Feature Request - request for new feature, new functionality, new language 

Change request  - change something already available to be more effective, usable (this is NOT a bug)

Annoyance  - way application behaves in situation A is really annoying, odd, absurd tongue  - almost a bug but not really, works but pain to use.

SteveHolmes wrote:

But I've read many times (usually in reviews of lightweight servers) that Apache is something of a behemoth and overkill for many uses

Its myth, concocted by those same "light weight" server developers. smile 

SteveHolmes wrote:

using much more system resources, and also difficult to configure when you do want to change something, so I'd still be interested to know if FA is really tailored to Apache or if most other 'general purpose' web servers should be just as compatible.

It will not eat up your resources and it's not hard to configure. Apache documentations is very helpful, there are millions of pages of detailed help out there to walk you trough practically any situation.  If you need to use htaccess, you probably have to enable it.

Just follow the LAMP how-to and you will be fine.

Setting up Appache with MySQL has become really simple and you are fine by default settings.

All you really need is just type:
(you need to adjust the commands to your distro/package manager)

sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

You also need PHP and this is nothing complicated because you are fine by default installation + FA specific requirements, if any.
All you probably need is :

sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5

You can find more detailed instructions that are tailored for your selected distro. Just follow those, line by line and you are done.
Search for:  How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) + what ever distro you use and you are done.

joe wrote:

If your installation is then it would be very easy to put into your browser.
And you get the pdf report nice and clear. This is the reason for scrambling the report name.


if someone, with out logging in to FA, can access files and directories under /company/ or any other folders under FA, we are in a really bad trouble.
Why save those files to the web server? I only have one file there and I have no idea why it's there.

joe wrote:

The incoice number 22 is the built in number. The number 117 is the reference number. The reason to have this reference number is that many users wish to create their own number that contains alphanumeric charecters, like WO-12 and WO-13 or something like that.

Having invoice numbers as alphanumerical is very common practise and usually only a part of the combination changes (counter).
Why not add this as a option - have a prefix and number.

Looks like in my example, 22 is not a invoice number nor is it a reference number - it's a "transaction number", " Payment #" or "Our Order #" etc.

BTW, reference number is completely different animal at least over here. It's generated by a special algorithm and includes a control number, that can be confirmed by bank. Some accounting systems issue one reference number per client's contract (like a phone service, leasing, loan, etc) , some issue reference number per invoice or "job" (car repair etc). Lets forget this for now smile 

It looks like Reference number becomes a Invoice number when Invoice is printed. All yo need to do is corr4ect the labels to eliminate this confusion.

joe wrote:

The random file name is due to security. If you know the folder where the pdf files are created, it is easy to look at the documents, if they have look-a-like titles.

Security by obscurity or annoyance is not security smile If someone has access to my files, file name is the last thing I need to worry about. It's not going to save me nor anyone else.

Problem is that most time I have absolutely no need for a PDF file and PDF files with random names become completely useless after few are generated - I have no idea what they are without opening every single one of them.

Customer and Sales Reports > Reports and Analysis > Customer Balances - why do I need a PDF every time I want to check something?
Can this be made optional? 99.9% I have 0 need for a pdf report. I rather have a html report I can print later, if I have to save it for some reason.

This applies to every report generate from this page.


When Sales Kits is created. second item ignores items Units of Measure and uses Default units (each)
This screws up invoices.

Search All Sales Orders -> Print Invoice is missing  text from "Legal Text on Invoice:"  (see System and General GL Setup)

After you do Direct Sales Invoice and click on "View This Invoice" you get a a pop-up with a "SALES INVOICE #22" and "Reference 117".
This is wrong! This invoice is #117.
When I click "Print Sales Invoice" from that same page, I get a pdf with a random file name (I hate this random file name "feature"!) I get a invoice with a correct "InvoiceNo. 117" (upper right corner).

You tell users not to edit the content of this box.

I am not a programmer and looks like TCPDF has no clue how to fix this.

FA is not using UTF-8 to store data so when switching from ISO-* to UTF-8 in UI, it breaks down showing wrong characters.
I am sure that this is not how UTF-8 support is implemented in modern (<15 years) software, meant for international use.


(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

"prepayment in payment type"

Check your setting from /admin/payment_terms.php


MarkAndrew and seahawk, thank you for discovery and reporting this bug.

Is there a plan to fix this and what is the time frame?

apmuthu, thank you. I can generate PDF's now but content is all messed up.

I did not expect this. UTF-8 is nothing new in this century and used successfully practically everywhere.
I have no idea why FA manages to generate 40 times!!! bigger PDF's when UTF-8 is used. Something is obviously really wrong with the implementation.
I generate PDF's every day with other systems and never seen anything like it. Seriously, this is not even funny.

Can you please write a warning to FA download page that support for UTF-8 is broken. This would have saved me more than a week of my time.

Not only that but now all customer names with non ISO-8859-1 characters are displayed wrong.

no strike out tag? 
I created a new language, edited files in PoEdit, set it to UTF-8, used FA to send out the Invoice and now it looks OK.
no strike out tag?

UTF-8 is recommended even for US English ... globalization and what not wink

Something is not right

Sales > Reports and Analysis > Print Invoices is giving me

TCPDF error: Could not include font definition file: dejavu.php