Yes, but is there any means to incorporate it in the report itself just like when printing
Customer balance or supplier balance. This feature is really important. Is it something professional in accounting perspectives? to have balance sheet in multicurrency?

Hello, I need help on how to print balance sheet/trial balance/profit or loss statement; report with multiple currency. I recommended frontaccounting to many people and most of them thinking it as promising piece of software but with one question as I explained on the topic subject. Any idea/answer please!


(5 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

And me too got problem, how can  I issue a WO. I tried a million times and all my quantity have sufficient amount in the stock but stil I can not issue a WO. Here's the error message given out."The issue cannot be processed because it would cause negative inventory balance for marked items as of document date or later!"
I also tried to follow this instruction -> and I changed the respective (work_order_issue.php) files but nothing changed. Please Joe and everyone around I need help here.


(7 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Joe, how can someone issue a WO. I tried a million times and all my quantity have sufficient amount in the stock but stil I can not issue a WO. Here's the error message given out."The issue cannot be processed because it would cause negative inventory balance for marked items as of document date or later!"

I also tried to follow this instruction -> and I changed the respective (work_order_issue.php) files but nothing changed. Please Joe and everyone around I need help here.

Link says, index of


(1 replies, posted in Setup)


Yes abutaim, what more I could support you?

Hello friends
Has there been any progress on including the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report as outlined by many into FA. This feature is basic in many other accounting systems.