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Hi apmuthu
System is modified. Last bit is still not completed yet. Thanks for the advise and for the files. Once modifications are completed I will apply these files.
Actually looking for a nice theme suits the client. I will try to get his consent to share it. Hope it will be possible once system runs for sometime.
Thanks again.
Hi kvvaradha
Thanks and showed the theme to the client. They still like heavy looking themes like "Modern".
. Lets see.
Looking for a professional looking theme that is compatible with 2.3.21.
It should NOT have left vertical menu and should have top horizontal menu only. (similar to studio and modern).
Please contact me on
Thank you for the information.
Actually client wants an advance search. So what we have planned is to add a button just after the Item Code (in case of item). This button will open the advance item search screen. Once the user selects an item in the new Item Advance Search Screen code of that item will be passed back into the item code field in the main screen. That will work with Company Profile Item Search checkbox configuration. We will have to limit maximum records to be loaded in the Item Name dropdown to some value like 100 with a custom text in the last line.
Same will be applied to Customer and Supplier as well.
Our current project has following development work and modifications of FA. If you are very familiar with the FA code and has past experiencing in handling this level work please apply.
Search Window Facility for Items, Customers, Suppliers and Loyalty member
Screen customization
New modules
Payroll with Time and Attendance
Thank you for the reply.
I will try it and see.
I have two clients asking for modifications in the system. One wants a simple project module and the other wants FIFO costing. I am more into application implementation. I am not a developer but able to understand the code. I want to understand how the calculations and data etc are handled in the system to propose solutions / modifications.
Can somebody configure frontaccouting project for debugging on my laptop? Netbeans with xdebug is most preferred.
Posts found: 7