I have successfully implemented frontaccouting on WAMP server and If anyone need it I can upload step by step guide.....
I check the software it sounds nice....but I am not very familer with accounting systems....and i have some queries

We are doing jobwork for our clients and the clients sent us raw material... and we have to give back manufactured  product and also the scrap to customer. so like the following equation we have to maintain customer wise and product wise statement....

Incoming (Raw material from client) Kg =  out going (Finish Product Kg + Scrap Kg )

1. is it possible to do it in frontaccounting ? if yes just provide guidance....
2. if we produced 5000 products for x customer and we had already sent bill for 3000 pcs in past... so is there linking that next bill can be done only for 2000 pcs ? or it displays which manufactured items are not yet billed ?
3. When we receive payment from customer they cut TDS tax and deduct it from payment but this applies only for single  invoice above 'x value' or sum of all Invoice above 'y Value' in the accounting year so when TDS is applied amount paid by customer is not same as invoice amount.....
3. How to mange two tax in one invoice like 4% VAT +1  % and Additional tax  in same invoice but they goes to different account.... I had seen it in Cartbooks.... is it possible with frontaccounting too ?