I hope I have posted this in the right forum.
I am brand new to FrontAccounting and have been following the setup steps without too much trouble. I wish to start entering deposits and payments, but I believe that, to do so, I have first to set up an opening balance for the bank account(s).
I have followed the first 5 steps in the fawiki First Steps/Opening Balance. Then I come to step 6. which says "Enter the lines from the Balance Sheet one by one. You should end up with a 0 difference because the debits and credits should equal on your Balance Sheet." I don't understand what this means. I don't have a Balance Sheet. I just have a brand new account with nothing in it. So, I enter a $0.00 Credit and click "Add Item", I receive the following Error Message "You must enter either a debit amount or a credit amount." Question 1. Does this mean that $0.00 is not an amount?
Then, when I try to do anything else the autofill puts a Zero amount in the Debit Field. So, now there's $0.00 in both the Debit and Credit Fields. If I then try to "Add Item" I get the same Error Message "You must enter either a debit amount or a credit amount." It seems there is nothing else I can do, so I click the "Process Journal Entry" button and I get this new Error Message "You must enter at least one journal line.". I do not know how to get around this and cannot enter my Zero balance. Question 2. How do enter my Zero Balance. Thank you.
Using 2.3.19