Hi Erwin,

Thx for you quick response. Much appreciated smile

1) I noticed already I could add the GR/IR account back in manually but was wondering why it was removed from the default settings in the Dutch COA as it is setup by default in the English version. Probably because you personally don't use it indeed wink
2) Preferably I still have all possible VAT scenario's setup like Social Bookkeeping have done in their VAT preconfig. Joost Oosterhoff also described them here http://www.oosterhoff.org/cms/nl/alle-artikelen/21-information-control/foutloos-boekhouden-met-frontaccounting/46-nederlandse-btw-in-frontaccounting.html
Looks like right now only 1a, 1b and 5 are preconfigured. Personally I also need 3b and 4b. The value reported here in the standard VAT report to the Dutch IRS has to be included in the ICF report as well. I can imagine other potential Dutch customers require one of the other tax groupings as well though hence my suggestion to include them all in the default COA to make it easy for new adopters to just pick what they need rather than having to set the VAT groupings up from scratch themselves.

Alternately we could still go the route of having me upload a second COA into FA repository with a description similar to "Dutch COA suitable for import/export to/from Netherlands and companies having the need to reconcile stock receipts".

May I ask what type of company you've implemented FA in? Service companies only or also trade companies? Already when you ship product to/from Belgium to Netherlands (quite common I guess) you need 3b/4b if you plan to invoice with 0% VAT.

Also in case someone is planning to build an interface between FA and Dutch IRS to be able to automatically submit the tax return it would be easier I guess to just map all preconfigured tax groupings from FA to the Dutch IRS (I haven't found an API on the site of the Dutch IRS yet though so not sure yet how other packages obtained the required info to build their interfaces).

Do you also know if there's a standard VAT/ICF report preconfigured in FA already or whether we need to build this from scratch? I'm playing around with Rapidminer now to see if I can easily build the required tax report from this 3rd party tool for the time being.

Best regards,


Hi Wildone and others,

Did you manage to implement the integration OK? If so would you be willing to share your experience here on the forum? We are considering to implement FA with one of the (anterp) ecommerce bridges and phpPOS bridge as well.

Did someone also manage to get VAT (BTW/ICF) reporting work OK and is someone working on integration with the Dutch IRS (belastingdienst) and banks to automatically load MT940 files into FA for reconciliation (afletteren) purposes?



I'm playing around with FA and ran into a couple of questions when reviewing the Dutch chart of accounts (COA) and default GL settings.
1) A GR/IR account (Rekening nog te ontvangen inkoopfacturen) doesn't seem to be available. Is there a special reason for not doing so or did I overlook something? In the default English version account 1550 is in the chart of accounts and linked to GRN Clearing Account in general GL settings. When reviewing commercial packages like e.g. Exact they do seem to advice on using such an account to address discrepancies between receiving goods/invoices.
2) Is there a special reason for configuring 3 VAT percentages in the tax code setup only? If we would identify all possible tax groupings as dictated by Dutch IRS like e.g. social bookkeeping package has preconfigured we would be more flexible in my opinion.

Right now it would e.g. be hard to distinguish between 0% invoices for e.g. bank costs (NL-NL invoice) as opposed to an invoice from/to another EU country invoicing without vat according to intracommunutaire law which should be reported separately on the VAT (BTW) and intracommunautair (ICF) report.

I'm not in favour of uploading various "flavours" of the Dutch COA into the FA repository hence would appreciate if we could come to consensus on a COA which would work for all of us.


(24 replies, posted in Setup)

As the data is stored in a mySQL database you can use any (opensource) report writer to connect to it using jdbc protocol. I'm playing around with Rapidminer myself to see if I can create some custom reports from the database.

- Download Rapidminer https:/sourceforge.net/projects/rapidminer/files/1.%20RapidMiner/5.3/rapidminer-5.3.013x32-install.exe/download
- video tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/user/RapidIVideos
- Rapidminer user manual: http://1xltkxylmzx3z8gd647akcdvov.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/rapidminer-5.0-manual-english_v1.0.pdf