Dear All !
i have install a fresh "FrountAccounting" on Kubuntu 13.1
all work, but:
when i trying to use "Install/Update Languages", the machine send me a red line with this message: Could not open
same problem with extensions... and themes.
all is ok on diagnostic screen.

"mea culpa "...
all work great with correct "chmod" at the right place.

Dear All ,
I am amazed by this work,  but I can not enjoy ...  :-(
i would like install it on Ubuntu 13.1, i have tried FrontAccounting 2.3.19 ,  2.3.14...
but nothing, i break each time at this step:

Extensions system:   ' ../modules' is not writeable
                                       '../modules/_cache' is not writeable
                                       '../themes' is not writeable
                                       '../sql' is not writeable
                                        Extensions configuration files and directories should be writeable

i have reinstalled php extensions...
please, don't let me cry on my corner ...