(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Excellent! Thank you very much! Your suggestion solved the problem! Thank you again, I am grateful to you smile


(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Please note that, I see that, my client's IP gets changed every 5-10 seconds.


(9 replies, posted in Setup)

at tmp/faillog.php I see this:

Login attempts info.
$login_faillog = array (
  0 => 
  array (
    '' => 0,
    'last' => '',
); is my client's IP.


(9 replies, posted in Setup)


I am facing a strange problem with FA. It's working fine at my end, at my Chrome, Firefox or Opera. But at client's computer at his chrome browser, he is constantly being redirected to the login screen whenever he clicks any menu or link or anything!

Please note that, at my computer at any browser, it's working fine. But at my client's google chrome or internet explorer he is always redirected to the login screen.

Can anyone kindly give me any clue why It might happen?

Thank you very much.

Yes I am referring to Import Items Extension by Tom Moulton. I have read the documentation but not understanding the format of how to prepare my csv file with my above mentioned requirements.

Thank you very much.


I have installed and activated "Inventory Items CSV Import" extension by Tom Hallman. Can anyone kindly provide a sample CSV/Excel file that I can use to import the items? I am confused about how to make the CSV/Excel file. For example, I have a following sample items to import:

Item Code: 1007
Name: Keyboard
Description: Sample Description
Category: Components
Item Type: Purchased
Supplier: AR Bhai
Quantity: 50
Re-order Level: 10
Purchase Price: 500
Sales Price Wholesale: 550
Sales Price Retail: 600

Thank you very much.