(4 replies, posted in Translations)


I has send to contributions email the files po and mo to portuguese (PT) language.

I hope it it will be available to the entire FA community.



I has send to contributions email the files po and mo to portuguese (PT) language.

I hope it it will be available to the entire FA community.


Tanks swheeler

It work fine. Good suggestions.
This approach is not usual in Portugal.
FA approach
Tax Group -> Customer
Item Tax Type -> Item

Best approach for Portugal
Tax Group -> Item (because the tax is define by item, not the customer)
Item Tax Type (renamed Customer Tax Type -> Customer (because customer may be tax free)

Tanks swheeler

when i join two rate to 1 group, it will calculate two rates for each item. Example:
Item a:
Price tax
100  23
100  6
Item b:
Price tax
200  23
200  6
I need 1 item, 1 tax. Example:
Item a:
100  23
Item b:
Price tax
200  6

If i set the tax 23 to customer. All item invoiced set 23%.

Any ideias?

In Portugal taxes are set in item level. Example:
Item Tax  Price
a       23   100
b         6   200

I make a invoice for customer Mario with 2 item (a e b)
The tax in incoice should be:
100x23%= 23
200x6%= 12

Total tax : 35

I can do this, with FA?

The problem is in the setup of the FA po file (path install/lang), not in FA transtation. The FA translation works well.

I'm doing a review of FA translation, so, i can not send de files yet. I hope send de files soon.

Any ideas for the FA setup to PT?

I has translate FA setup to Portuguese language PT.
I created the folder pt_PT in install/lang path.
In pt_PT folder exists two files: pt_PT.po and pt_PT.mo.
when I run de setup is always in English.
How configure the setup to display in portuguese PT?
How i make the connection between the list of languages (i need add de PortuguesePT) and the file I created?


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

I'm translating FA for Portuguese language (PT). What should I do to provide the translation to the FA community?