i'm having the same issue, did someone manage to solve it?

I get different total amounts when displaying  the gl ledger inquiry and balance for the inventory account in the same date range.
As additional information,  i have an opening balance of zero. Had to make adjustements due to negative inventory at the beginning of period. Thank you very much in advance for every contribution to this topic . I am using 2.1.17 version, had the same issue with 2.3.16.

i think i found a bug here:
in the gl inquiry i get this query:

SELECT 0_gl_trans.*, 0_chart_master.account_name FROM 0_gl_trans
            LEFT JOIN 0_voided v ON 0_gl_trans.type_no=v.id AND v.type=0_gl_trans.type,0_chart_master WHERE 0_chart_master.account_code=0_gl_trans.account
        AND ISNULLAND ISNULL(v.date_)
        AND tran_date >= '2013-01-01'
        AND tran_date <= '2013-08-15' AND 0_gl_trans.amount <> 0 AND 0_gl_trans.account = '12000' ORDER BY tran_date, counter.

if i remove " AND ISNULL(v.date_) " part of the query i get the same summed amount as in balance sheet.

i solved this looking at gl_trans table, and setting the transaction amounts to 0 where   (v.date_)<> NULL in the resultset above. Had to be careful tough to set both entries of the same transaction (debit and credit).

i think the problem happens when voiding transactions of type 22.