Ah OK - so it can show, for example, 10 shirts in stock, 5 at the printer etc, is that right?  Total number of each item in each location?  What I really need is to have each item in each order identified by location.

Depends on the season - will be in the order of 30+ per week.

I will have a look at the module - thanks.


Would I be able to do that for an item in each order individually - as there will be multiple orders for each item?

At the moment I don't know - I am trying to find a solution for something we are currently doing manually on a spreadsheet!  I was thinking sales orders - but if there is a better way of doing it I am open to suggestions!


Hi Elax

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have had a look at doing that - but it looks like I can only set one location for the whole order - what I need to be able to do is set the location for each item within the order!

Is there a way of doing it with BOMs?


Some of out products are clothing that is customized with printed logos and names - we need to be able to track the progress of an order - for example:

An order for a shirt, jumper and hoody - all with printing.

The Shirt is in stock but the other two items need to be ordered from the clothing supplier - but the in stock items are sent to the printer straight away.

So at any one time, each item in the order can be one of:

a. Waiting to be processed
b. At the printer
c. On order from supplier
d. Complete

Can FrontAccounting track of each item in an order like this? Either natively or with a plugin?

Thank you