I had the same problem with the installs and I finally solved it (at least on my system).
I use XAMPP 1.7.7. and I noticed in php.info that OpenSSL Library Version and OpenSSL Header Version are incompatable. This is causing the Apache server to shut down and restart (with "[notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting." in the Apache error log) and, in some cases, also producing a Windows error message, saying something like "Shutting down httpd.exe".
Anyway, the solution is really simple. Rename libeay32.ddl and ssleay32.dll in the \xampp\apache\bin folder. Copy \xampp\php\libeay32.ddl and ssleay32.dll to \xampp\apache\bin.
Restart Apache and the installs are working as they should.
I believe this also applies to a few other XAMPP versions.

erwindebruin wrote:

thnx janusz for checking the COA file and uploading in the repository.

@rein: COA is updated, income accounts must be working now.
@chrison: Also the Dutch can make income now smile

Thanks a lot Erwin for doing such an excellent job. I sure would like to make some income and now I can book it too.

Thanks a lot to you all for answering so fast!
I did notice group 30, only after I asked my question. I was looking somewhere in the 80's. Still, there are no accounts in group 30 and I'm not sure how to deal with that.

I'm not much of a bookkeeper, just trying to get FA adapted to my needs and I think I can get that done. It is very complete, yet relatively easy to understand even for someone like myself.

Hi Erwin,
Am I right this chart belongs to a very strange company? It has no accounts for income, at least not as far as I can see. Would you be so kind to look into this?