(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

i got the user name by changing:
$this->user = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->user;
$this->user = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->username;

Isn't it used when you show the users who are logged in at the bottom of the pages?


(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

that is close, that gives the 'id' of the user rather than the 'user_id'.


(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I have the from and reply to working just fine.  The problem I am having now is $this->user is empty and i don't know why or how to fix it.


(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

again, I am confused.  $this->user is empty, blank.  when  $this->user . "/r/n"  is done, I get a blank line


(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

In class.mail.inc I set this around line 42:
var $add_params = '-f sales@mydomain.com';

I am using postfix on ubuntu 12.04 and the -f flag sets the 'reply to' in postfix.

If $this->user is the currently logged in user, why is it not in the sig created by the line of code:
$sender = $this->user . "\n" . $this->company['coy_name'] . "\n" . $this->company['postal_address'] . "\n" . $this->company['email'] . "\n" . $this->company['phone'];

Every user has an email in the user table and you can't send an email w/o being logged on, but $this->user is sure empty.  I don't have any idea how to fix this. Is user a global variable?  How can I display all the global vars set in FA?



(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I have the Return Path fixed.  Now my quotation emails are going out to customers. 

My next problem is in pdf_report.inc in around line 1020:
  $sender = $this->user . "\n" . $this->company['coy_name'] . "\n" . $this->company['postal_address'] . "\n" . $this->company['email'] . "\n" . $this->company['phone'];

This adds sort of a signature to the email.  $this->user is empty so I have just a blank line where the user should be.  I can't figure out how/where it gets populated.  All the rest of the sig is correct and as it is supposed to be.  Customer just doesn't know which salesperson sent the email.

The line in the source of the email I am looking at is:  From: mydomain.com <>
I think it is supposed to be more like:  From: sally <sally@mydomain.com>

Then the name will be in the sig also.



(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Maybe I am not being clear on what I need.  The 'from' I am talking about is not what shows up on the from when you just look to see where the email is from but the Return Path you see when you look at the header source. In this case, it is Return-Path: <www-data@mydomain.com>.

The problem is since www-data is not a user on the smtp server the email will not be fwd and it is just dumped. So it needs to be one of our users, for example sally@mydomain.com.

Maybe this help explain my problem.



(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi apmuthu,

I did:  Better still would be to move the stripping of the commas to the class method constructor itself by inserting the following in line 47 of reporting/includes/class.mail.inc:   $name = str_replace(",", "", $name);

The email still gets sent From: www-data@mydomain.com and not user@mydomain.com.
So no gain yet.



(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi apmuthu:

I really do not understand what your code does.  I understand what str_replace does, I use it on several of my php  pages on my website.  I just don't know what it does to get what I want to do on the emails done.  How does that get the From: for the email set to be user@mydomain.com instead of www-data@mydomain.com?



(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi all:

I am still working on getting quotes to email properly.  My problem right now is that the email is sent out with the From: www-data@mydomain.com.  It needs to be myuser@mydomain.com where myuser is the person who is logged in to FA and doing the email.  This seems to be the reasonable way it should be.  I know that the email is using the file  /etc/mailname (in Ubuntu 12.04) to get mydomain.com.  I just can't figure out where the www-data comes from. I know that www-data is the apache2 user, but don't understand how that works with FA.  How do I get the user name in the From: as I want it?




I get this from our server in the frontaccounting errors.log:
[29-Jan-2013 20:04:26 UTC] 0:sally:session.inc:368: include_once(): Failed opening '../../faillog.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear')

I have several users on the server using FA and only this one user caused the error in the log.  Also I have the same setup on my box as a testing box for the code and no such error here either only one user on the live server.

Why would only one user cause the error?  What can I do to fix it?

forgot to say using ver .14




(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)


Thanks for you reply, as always very helpful and on point. 
I guess the only way that I can get the rep109 in company dir to have the new changed from the reporting dir as in ver .14 would be to use something like Meld for each repxxx in company dir?  That is what I did for ver .14 a few days ago and worked ok.  Just didn't know if there is a better way.  I will test Mercurial this weekend and see if I can do it properly.



(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thanks Janusz:

I will try it out this weekend.

Not sure how this works with the files in the company directory.  They aren't changed as I understand it, because the is where we put the reports that we have modified.  So if I have a report rep109 in company and rep109 gets changed in the sourceforge repository, seems there would be no change or conflict in the company file or am I just not understanding something?  I sort of thought that for there to be anything to merge there had to be two commits that included some of the same files?

I am pretty easy to confuse.




(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Joe:

Thanks for the fix. 

Two questions.

Where do I find the text that is used for the subject, any signature, from,  etc for the email?  Wiki?

Would it be possible to get some help on how to use Mercurial to keep up with these changes on my local box.  Since some of the base files get changed on local box such as doctext.inc, header2.inc, and pfd_report.inc as examples.  The changes in those files are changing text in reports.  What I can't work how is how to get into my local FA the changes that are made to them in the basic code and up in the update versions and still keep my text editing changes. 

Same kind of deal with the reports that I have in /company/0.  For example, I have some changes in rep109 and so it is in company dir, but the ver13 t0 ver14 made changes in rep109 under reporting dir. 

I need some kind of scheme to control the changes.  I am sure I am not the only one needing this.  A wiki would sure be nice.

Thanks again for the quick fix.



(38 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I am still working on handling quotations.  My latest problem is emailing a quotation to a customer.

I have a customer salesquotation (as suggested by Joe) and have created branches as I need to make quotations.
The branches that I create have 'Contact active for:' set to be General.  According the the wiki, that should get the quotation emailed to the branch.  But when I try to send email, I get the error:  'You have no email contact defined for this type of document'.

If I edit that branch and make the Contact active for: = Order, the email is sent.  Why is the email giving any error when only General is set?

I am using version 2.3.13 on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.




(0 replies, posted in Wish List)

Not a real wish, but a question.

Has anyone been able to setup UPS's WorldShip so that it gets data from the FA orders?  It would save us a lot of time to be able to do this.




(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

I know what I did. When I did copy/paste I missed copying the ; at the end so I got a blank screen from the parse error.  Then I saw what you were doing so I just made the cust id = '' and that worked.  I just didn't realize that the orignal error was the ; and got fixed the 2nd time I copy/paste/change cust id.

Leaving cust id blank works as well.

Thanks for all the help.  The payments now work much better and lots faster.



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)


I think that customer_id=" should be customer_id=''



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

Thanks Janusz,

I did add the link and it is a big help.  How can I make the link go to the full list of open invoices instead of defaulting to the previous company that I just did the payment for? I know I can click to get all customers, but that is just one more step that I thought could be avoided. 

Along that sort of same idea, for some searches, for example sometimes for customers, I hit space, enter a fragment of a company name and the result says All Customers, then with I click the list is in the dropdown, it is possible  that the first company on the list comes up?  For one thing, when one does a search and the text box comes back with the All Customers it is sort of disconcerting, as if nothing was found.

Thanks for the link.



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)


Adding link back to Customer Allocation Inquiry on final payment  screen, would be a big improvement. I sort of like links that take you right where you need to go and the default screen when you get there is set just like it is needed.

As long as your messing with Customer Allocation, it would sure be nice to be able to sort by customer or by Order number the way you have it for date.  That would add considerable usabliity for finding either a range of dates or where there are several customers with almost the same name, example University of xxxxx or 1st National xxx.

Along with this, after invoicing from delivery, it would be helpful to have a link there to either call the Customer Allocation or Customer payment so a payment could be entered against the invoice right away.

That allows us to either to run thru a batch of SO's and deliver/invoice them or immediately allocate a payment if only one order.  Just makes life easier.




(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

I didn't try Customer Allocation Inquiry much because I don't think I quite understand how it works.  When I click on the Payment icon, it takes me to Customer Payments page listing the invoices for the customer.  Below the discount info, the amount of the invoice that I clicked appears.  Then in the listing for the invoice, if I click allocate all to the clicked invoice the amount below, is increased by the amount of the invoice.  That makes the payment double.   Why does the allocate all increase the payment amount?
  If I just leave the allocation blank and click make payment then the invoice continues to show up in the Customer Allocation Inquiry list and nothing in that list (searching only on sales invoices) shows that the customer made a payment.
  It seems that what should happen is when I click allocate all on the proper invoice the payment amount should match the amount of the invoice. Then when the payment is made it is allocated to the invoice and the invoice will not be on the Customer Allocation Inquiry list as open. 
Adding link back to Customer Allocation Inquiry on final payment  screen would be very helpful.

Do I not understand how this works or am I doing something wrong or is the increasing amount of payment by clicking all wrong?

Hope I explained my problems with this.



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

Our company is mainly B-B and Payments from customers seems awkward to me also.  The way we get most of our sales work are by creating SO's from the Zencart module. Then we do Delivery Against Sales Orders followed by Select Another Order For Dispatch till we have dispatched all the orders from a batch of downloaded orders. We then do Invoice Against Sales Delivery and followed by Select Another Delivery For Invoicing until all Sales Deliveries are invoiced. All of this seems to go well and is pretty fast in batches of 25 or 30 orders at a time. The lists created for these two operations work nicely and the Select Another works as expected.

Now comes the slow awkward part of the process. It seems that the only way to enter customer payments is by clicking Customer Payments.  When I do that, unlike the above process, I am not provided any list of open invoices or list of customers with balances owed to our company.  We have to do a search for each customer by name.  This is a very slow process especially compared just picking a customer/invoice from a list and clicking a button. 

It seems that there should be a pick list of customers/invoices from which we can select the customer for entering a payment so that Payments work just like Dispatch and Invoice.




(10 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Pretty sure was a js caching prob as I had cleared browser cache.




So far this has worked just fine.

Thanks for your help,



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Janusz:  I have modified header2.inc and doctext.inc.  There is a new version of doctext.inc out today.  What is the best way to upgrade to the new version and not lose the changed I made in doctext.inc?  There are several references to VAT in doctext.inc which are not used in US.  Not sure how to keep up with updates and not lose the VAT editing.  I have not checked all the files but there may be the same situtation in various files.
