Ok, thank you for all your answers.
Now should we wait for the next release to have repgen working on 2.3.13+?


(19 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

On my side, I have the 3127 install running with only repgen, the 3 sample reports run fine now, but still the button store item does not store anything. It makes it impossible for me to create a report with real content.

Also, the edit or delete buttons in the items list are not fonctionning.

What can I do?

When I click on the store item button, here are the requests that appear in mode saltrailer = 1:

select * from 0_chart_master,0_chart_types,0_chart_class where account_type=id and class_id=cid order by account_code
SELECT attrib FROM xx_reports WHERE typ='funct'
SELECT * FROM xx_reports WHERE typ = 'block'
SELECT  * FROM xx_reports WHERE (typ = 'item' AND id='6')

There is no insert instruction.


(19 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I made a frech install based on the lattest build 3127.
Install is ok and works fine.
Then I installed the module Report Generator through the application.
Surprisingly, the module is not visible in the Setup -> Maintenance section.
I checked the Access setup, for the role of Administrator, the module report generator do not appear in the table of Access also.

I tried to access the report generator directly from the URL and got the following error message:
(url: http://mysite.com/frontacc_m/modules/repgen/repgen_select.php)

Undefined index: SA_REPORT_GENERATOR in file: /var/www/html/twenty-test/frontacc_m/includes/current_user.inc at line 155

I can provide access to this fresh install as admin, as I will remove it after problem is solved.


(19 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

No information from the logs. apache logs do not give anything, and go_debug=1 or 2 also.
OS is Linux Centos.


(19 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I installed repgen on top of version 2.3.13.
When I run the existing sample report, it works fine.
But when I create my own report and go to the next step (Page Definition for Strings), the button Store Item does not have any effect, and the list of items stays empty. When I run the report, I have a blank pdf.
Also, clicking on the button "Back to Select a report" I stay on the same page.

I already tried the go_debug = 1 and 2, I applied the fix regarding ereg and preg in the file reporting/includes/Workbook.php, but this still doesn't help.

I also applied the fix in repgen_const.inc:
//$_SESSION['get_text']->add_domain($_SESSION['language']->code, $path_to_root.'/modules/repgen/lang');
$GetText->add_domain($_SESSION['language']->code, $path_to_root.'/modules/repgen/lang');

Still not working.

My PHP version is PHP 5.3.3.

Does someone have repgen working with 2.3.13?

Any suggestion?