I don't have a link to the tar.gz file. I installed the module by logging into FA, then going to the Setup tab and choosing Install/Activate Extensions. Is there some way to find this file?
2 12/10/2012 04:32:25 pm
Topic: Requisition Module Not Working (11 replies, posted in Setup)
Hi all,
I'm relatively new to FrontAccounting and am looking at it for accounting for a small non-profit organization I'm involved with. I downloaded and installed it successfully. I also downloaded the Requisitions Module through the Install/Activate Extensions screen but it seems to not work. When I click on Requisition Entries, I get the following message:
DATABASE ERROR : could not get all requisitions
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'front.0_requisitions' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 0_requisitions WHERE (completed = 0) AND !inactive
Clicking Requisition Allocations gives this error:
DATABASE ERROR : could not get all requisition_details
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'front.0_requisition_details' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 0_item_codes ic INNER JOIN 0_requisition_details rd ON ic.item_code = rd.item_code INNER JOIN 0_requisitions r ON rd.requisition_id = r.requisition_id LEFT JOIN 0_suppliers s ON rd.supplier_id = s.supplier_id WHERE (r.completed = 1) AND (rd.lpo_id = 0) ORDER BY r.requisition_id
Does anyone know how to fix the error and get the Requisitions Module operational?
Thanks in advance!