Thanks for your reply, I will get back to you soon.

apmuthu wrote:

I trust you have restarted your webserver after changes to php.ini and apache conf files.
Hope you have table prefixes for your FA tables. Otherwise, all tables in your database will be attempted to be backedup and it will cause a sever resource issue.
Purge the FA cache in the company folders:

FA 2.3

FA 2.4

I have followed the above but I am still having the issue of the status bar rotating for a few seconds, then disappears and the process ending with neither an error or completion message, but it's obvious no backup was created.

Here is something new I am experiencing, A message comes up once in a while in red stripe...

"Access to database has been blocked until database upgrade is completed by system administrator."


thank you for your reply but still not working.

Hi, my backup is more than 2MB zipped and I have increased memory_limit in php.ini to 32M, yet backup still not working


I need the following added to FA.

Product Batch No
Product Expiry date
Debit Note (there is credit note)
Cost of Selling value in report in addition to cost value.

Pls contact me on Delords at yahoo dot com

Thank you.