(2 replies, posted in Installation)

See this image



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

I found out something strange, in that front accounting is caching php pages which are suppose to be dynamic,

nowonder records changes and new inputs are not showing up because the pages are all cached, this is not conducive.

how do we not cache php pages?


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Firebug showing me this mesg" An unsupported character encoding was declared on the transfer protocol level. The declaration was ignored."

and whenever I submit a form firebug shows "A form was submitted in the windows-1252 encoding which cannot encode all Unicode characters, so user input may get corrupted. To avoid this problem, the page should be changed so that the form is submitted in the UTF-8 encoding either by changing the encoding of the page itself to UTF-8 or by specifying accept-charset=utf-8 on the form element."

How to set it to use UTF-8?

apmuthu wrote:

Check Update/Insert permission availability for MySQL user in company used. Make sure that the


was done after user rights changes are done.

Do not use the Browser Back Button, instead use the Back link on the web page.

I dont understand, your reply, from what context are you speaking from?

"Check Update/Insert permission availability for MySQL user in company used"
Where? which screen? folder? FTP?

"Make sure that the FLUSH PRIVILEGES; was done after user rights changes are done."
Again, Where? which screen are you talking about?

actually, the data did save, but when navigate away and navigate back it is showing chached old data

so i tested by adding some random characters at the end of the "?"

like so;

and then it only show up the real data

so the problem is cashing issue

how to resolve?

Setup->Company Setup

already key in and saved company address etc etc

but go back to see... the data never change

Why like that?

Not only Company setup

but other screen as well, after hit save mesg show save successful, soon as I navigate away and navigate back, the data remain same as BEOFRE update. y??