(0 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

we see that there are deference between PO Price and Inv price and the standard cost
all the items Purchased on 1779 cost but the standard cost
and the reports show
1801.59 as PO Price
  1,779.00 as invoice price
the standard cos 1895.XX
how is happened !!!


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

no developer want to do this


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

We need to developer to implement new Frontaccounting Module that will insure that each user have authorized stores.
1. The user can do transfer from his authorized store only.
2. The user can accept transfer or reject. To his authorized stores.
3. The stock in transfer should be in a middle store called MID
4. The user can see all the coming transfer like inbox on the email he can accept or reject.
5. The receiver can change the quantity and can accept some of the items and reject others. So the sender will see the remain unaccepted items so he can cancel the remaining or update it.
6. Each user should have view like email so he can see the inbox, outbox, rejected, waiting, transfer.
7. The time of sending and receiving should be recorded.
8. The system should give ability to the administrator to give the user authorization on store.
9. There should be reports.


(4 replies, posted in Jobs wanted/offered, non-free offers)

please if any want to do non free work on FA please replay


(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

could u please email it to me please


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)

it is supporting

no one want to work

we would like to implement new module in frountaccounting we need
one freelancer to do the module for us.

also i am too sorry to the frountaccounting team if this message is not sute to be hear.

contact youphpdeveloper at gmail