(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Joe

Ive sorted it, i edited each supplier individually via the phpmyadmin and all is working. Thanks for your help.



(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Joe, I have managed to access the "phpMyAdmin" via my server and noted that the "Tax Included" is already set at "no". with this in mind is it possible for me to edit the suppliers I have already added as some have been set to yes by mistake. If its not possible, would there be any issue by me deleting the supplier and creating another record or will this interfere with the Purchase Orders I have already created?




(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks Joe, I have tried to look for "phpMyAdmin" and not able to find it. Is this something I need to download to my servers? I have FTP access and was not able to locate this.




(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Joe

I've located the "prices contain tax included" whilst editing suppliers as suggested, but it seems not to be editable and stuck on "Yes".

Any recommendations?




(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi All

I have looked everywhere for a solution to this issue but to no avail ;(

I currently have over 3000 items on my system and only utilising the Purchase Order module until all products have been put in place.

My issue is I place all items on at "Net Price" however when I print off a Purchase Order the 20% Vat has been included in the pricing meaning the system thinks I have added the items at "Gross Price". What I actually want for VAT purposes is to continue to upload all items at "Net" and the VAT of 20% is added at the end of the process once I have finalised my Purchase Order.

What am I doing wrong? Just to add I uploaded all items via CSV, is there a way I can adjust this sheet to compensate for this?

Thanks in advance for any help.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks Joe, I have already done that and when I choose the "Purchase Order" user to edit permissions the only tick for this user is "Purchase Order Entry". I am unable to find any tick box that states "Allow to Print Purchase Order" or something to that effect.




(3 replies, posted in Setup)


I would like to know what settings I need to change to allow users to print the "Purchase Orders" they create. I currently have users who can only create a purchase order and when they try to print the PO is states they do not have sufficient security to do so. I have looked at the User Settings and cannot see a tick box to allow "Purchase Order " users to print PO.

Please Help

