(45 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

yes of course I've tried wink
I remember that I was able to run it, but if I remember well controls were a bit crashed, something to do with spacing etc....
Anyway my conclusion was that it was not sufficiently good.
Also the software was created to be a cash register OS over wepos/windows embedded, so it's just too much distorting to run it on windows desktop too.
I'm a linux fan either but for POS applications windows it's a better choice, also for pos devices.
On linux the only alternative would be Java and Java POS for devices but java GUIs are horrible and the software it's designed to be completely used with touch screen so I made myself draggable listboxes etc....


(45 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I'm the creator of PosXp, I came across this thread and from what I understood you are talking of an API to exchange data via HTTP with the frontaccounting db.
I just would like to let you know that posxp has a data layer library to permit interfacing with any data provider different from the default one which is a SQL compact db.
So you can easily rewrite this layer to interface with the software.
