(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thank you for your replies, Janusz and Apmuthu. Great help smile


(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thank you for the reply, Janusz.  I've already got how to make it work. yay!
One more question though, is there a sample *.php file that may serve as a guide for creating those additional constant elements that you mentioned? If I'm not mistaken, there is no such file existing yet in the default installation. I've already got the PDF template part but  the extra info might be helpful.

Again, thank you very much. smile


(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi! I downloaded FrontAccounting and it seems like a good software. I'm kinda playing around with it this past few days but there are areas where I get confused. I'm just a newbie programmer, by the way.

Well, I just wanna ask. Is it possible to make an image or a PDF page as background or template for the forms?
You see, I think there are times when businesses require to pass some forms/reports which have formats that are already predefined such as government tax forms that can be downloaded from the internet, etc. So, I think it would be great if somehow I can use these forms as templates or backgrounds and just worry about filling up the forms.

I hope for your help. Thanks a lot guys and to the FA team! smile