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Dear Support Team
I have a little scenario and need your advice on it. One of my friends company is a manufacturing concern and they are engaged in the manufacture of the nuts and bolts. In the manufacturing process, they input "Steel Wire Rods" as raw material. There are further four processing departments in which steel wire rods is cut into nuts and bolts and are further processed. Finally the nuts and bolts are sent to packing department for sales in small packets.
I need to incorporate this manufacturing process in FA, on batch to batch basis. Cost is incurred at the time of purchase of raw material, in processing department and then in packing department. Following are my reporting requirements:
1) Datewise Report of Inventory in hand (pieces) in each department, on batch to batch basis
2) Datewise Report of cost incurred on batch to batch basis
Please feel free to ask for further queries.
virshu wrote:Interesting, I am struggling with what seems to be a very similar task as OP for professional services (consulting) context. Say, the project is $1M (I wish, but hey - men can dream
). And there is a payment schedule - maybe $100K at signing, $250K two months later, etc. So, I would like to send invoices and receive payments (including, of course, GL transactions, account balances, etc) along the way.
Is it possible out of the box? or with some modifications?
Or I completely misunderstood OP and it's a different situation?
Virshu, I also have the same scenario as you have described above. There is no immediate and specific module available in the FA currently. What i have done to overcome this payment schedule thing, is to create separate sales invoice at different dates in the sales modules.
For Example, following is the payment schedule provided to the client
1) Jan 01, 200X : USD 100 (Down Payment for booking charges)
2) March 01, 200X : USD 500 (Installment No.1)
3) June 01, 200X : USD 600 (Installment No.2). on and so forth.
I have created the invoice with date Jan 01, 200X and set due date after 10 days....similarly created two more invoices with date March 01, 200X and June 01, 200X with due dates after 10 days.
apmuthu wrote:You can do it outside of FA easily. Use a suitable table structure and design it with or
Apmuthu, It would be great if you please ellaborate in detail on how to do it, rather than quoting the alternatives of phpmyadmin.
Dear Front Accounting Team
Whenever, I create the "Direct Sales Invoice", it generates the delivery note in background automatically and give it an "auto" reference number. I want to disable the delivery note function in the sales module. It means that its only the invoice that should be made and no delivery note should be prepared.
Similarly when i see the customer activity under "Add and Manage Customer > Transactions", there it also shows up the delivery notes automatically prepared over there. I also want to remove the delivery notes from this listing also.
Waiting for an early and appropriate response.
joe wrote:Consider using dimensions for these special targets.
Joe, I have already tried the dimensions but it becomes too messy and complex when you have 80 units in each building and you have to create 80 numerical dimensions to manage all this in FA.
I have seen the installment receipt module in some other software, which resolves all these issues in a very easy manner. I hope that FA team would bring up this module in future and believe me, you just need the link up the existing modules of deposits and sales; to get this working.
TOR wrote:I have not see any module as such. Maybe you will need to play around with the Sales module to get what you want. But then this seems to be specific sales segment that you want FA to help you with. Don't think that will be possible without some modifications to Sales module.
This looks to me, to be for a real estate company. You could have GL accounts set up like, Sales Price, Booking Charges, Delivery Charges etc.
But Admin can probably answer this better!
Thanks alot TOR for a well drafted reply.
Yes, you are right that i need this solution for one of my real estate company. We have different units for sale in the building and each unit has been give a standard/special installments schedule for the purchase price. I dont think that creating separate ledger accounts will serve the purpose, as I need such breakup at the unit level for the building.
Dear Front Accounting Team
I just want to ask whether front accounting has any module for installment sales, along with receipt recovery schedules and reports.
The module should allow me to set the following things
- Total Sales Price
- Installment Amount per month / quarter
- Breakup of total sales price (like booking charges, delivery charges, sales price and miscellaneous charges)
- Due date to be set for each installment
- Installment Status report showing the installments received till date and the balance amount remaining
I resolved both the issues successfully :
1) edited the code in header2 and doctext. removed the code that created the box of aux_info. (spent around 5 hrs, in identifying the exact code lines to edit.)
2) created a new function, which converts the number into words in a new file....and included such file in doctext, header and rep107.php files.
apmuthu wrote:Each element is populated in the report only if the variable exists.
unsetting the "not required" elements of variable $this->company like $this->company['gst_no'] during report population and the setting it back would suffice.
As for number to words, use a function price_in_words() in your language (this does not seem to be documented yet).
Price in words. $doc_type is set to document type and can be used to suppress
price in words printing for selected document types.
Used instead of built in simple english price_in_words() function.
The default function price_in_words() is defined in includes/ui/ and the default documents it is used in are when $document is any of ST_SUPPAYMENT / ST_CUSTPAYMENT / ST_CHEQUE
The actual number to words conversion is done in the function _number_to_words() in the same file.
I wish i could have a dislike button, to rate this post reply.
No offences to senior members, but you people should draft replies in such a way that they are crisp, clear and easy to understand.
I want to remove completely the aux_info box from the sales invoice.
Fields like customer reference, sales person, vat no, delivery note no and due date are irrelevant to my company and i want to completely remove this box.
Can anyone one tell me the exact code line in header2 and doctext, to which i have to edit/remove, to resolve this issue. ?
Secondly, i also want to show the total invoice amount in words. e.g "1520" as
"Payable Amount in words : One Thousand Five Hundred and twenty only."
How can i do this?
Dear FA Developer Team !
I need to visit FA Wiki ( a lot for times for reference purposes and at times i don't have an access to internet connection. Is there any that i can download the entire wiki site at my pc and use it offline. ?? Alternatively, you have any pdf manual / documentation for this software ?
Hello !
We sell our products, in multiple units of measure i.e. in sachets, packets and in cartoons. Is there a way i set multiple units of measure for a single product.
When i enter a new item in inventory, it gives a drop down menu, in which i can select only one unit of measure at a time. Similarly, when i make purchase order and sales order, i cant edit the unit of measure over there. Although in real business, we make order in different unit of measure to different suppliers and customers i.e. in sachets, packets, cartoons etc.
I don't know whether FA is able to manage multiple units of measure for a single product and adjust the inventory value in the financial books of accounts or alternatively apply any conversion factor to resolve this multiple units of measure issue.
Dear Front Accounting Development Team !
While I was going through the features tab of your website, related to front accounting; it seemed to be quite messy and disorganised to me. Therefore, I decided to redraft those features in a chronological manner and in good language.
I have prepared those redrafted features in PDF file and hope that this contribution would be key resource/improvement for you. I have also emailed these to you at "".
Since there is no attachment feature in this forum, you can download/view the same at ""
Ahmed Taufiq Gogan
Web Designer and Developer
Call: +923452459947
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