Tks for Yr answer.
I respect Your opinion , but I disagree with it.
I was specially struggled on all CRUD tables and that was the reason of my patch.
I know and I appreciated the submit_js_confirm where it is already used.
I went on this discussion because I was evaluated if FA (I like its appeal) could be useful
as a starting base for some more functionality.
Best regards.
1 08/13/2012 05:28:05 pm
Re: simple_crud_class (5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
2 08/11/2012 05:47:40 pm
Re: simple_crud_class (5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
I would like to suggest the following patch that address the problem to have
confirmation on several CRUD tables of Delete operation, saving perhaps
some troubles.
pls edit the file : frontaccountig\js\insert.js and make the following patch :
function(e) {
e.onclick = function() {
if (e.value == 'Delete' || e.title == 'Delete') {
var ans = confirm(
3 08/10/2012 06:43:40 am
Topic: simple_crud_class (5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
Is there any way You can suggest in order to modify at least the simple_crud_class behaviour,
so I can set the delete button of the record list view to request a confirmation
before submitting delete command ?
I think this topic is very important, and has been requested as feature in the forum.
Is'nt clear to me why this require a big amount of work and why in all application the
same problem is present for every delete button command.
Thanks in advance