(12 replies, posted in Translations)


As I said in my post, you need to go to "User Accounts Setup" and change your settings from there.

I am working in Windows using a nice little distribuation called server2go.

If you want to try it out you can download it from from http://www.server2go-web.de/. You just need to do some minor changes in the pms_config.ini-file and the php.ini-file found in /server2go/server/config_tpl/ to make it work with FrontAccounting.

It seems that I can not send you the files through the forum, but you should be able to download them here:


If not, send an e-mail to: 'anders at dcon.no'


(12 replies, posted in Translations)


I am not quite sure what you mean when you say you go to "Preferences".
You need to go to User Accounts Setup on the setup page, select the pecil to edit your user and then select your desired language.
After you press update log out and log back in to the system.

I am currently working on a Norwegian translation. It will be uploaded when I am done, but If you or anyone else would like to look at it, and hopefully give me some feedback on errors and inconsistencies, send me a note and I will e-mail you the files.


(1 replies, posted in Translations)

I tried to search this forum about a norwegian translation and I found some guy saying he was working on it back in 2009.

Since then it has been pretty quiet.

I have done some translation for personal use and if nobody else is working on this at the moment I could give it a try.